You are here: 基础设施 TransporterSender




To transport features from one FME process to another: use theTransporterSendertransformer in the source FME workspace to send features to a运输交通接收FME工作空间中的变压器。

Input Ports

Output Ports

This transformer has no output ports.



To set up a feature stream between two FME workspaces using the TransporterReceiver and TransporterSender transformers:

  • One workspace is the designated "establisher" of the transport stream. If there are multiple transport streams between workspaces, one workspace must be the establisher of all the streams, and the other will connect to those transport streams. This is regardless of whether the individual transporters are sending or receiving data.
  • The establishing workspace must be started before the workspace that is connecting. A transporter cannot successfully connect to a transport stream that is not already established.
  • For each transport channel, there must be a different port that is used for each server machine.
  • You can use an arbitrary number of transporters within a workspace.
  • Supports IPv6.





FME Licensing Level

FME Professional edition and above

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