You are here: 几何运算符 Snapper


Brings lines, segments, end points or vertex points of features together if they are within a certain distance of each other and (optionally) if they have one or more attributes in common.

The difference between the锚定纳普佩鲷鱼是consid锚特性ered to be accurate and consequently do not move.

Output Ports




Usage Notes

A short cleanup step is performed after snapping. This step will remove duplicate points, and may create aggregates to preserve overlapping, directed segments.

Any feature that undergoes dimensional collapse as a result of being snapped will be logged as "degenerate" and dropped. Dimensional collapse refers to a line or area that becomes a point, or an area that becomes a line.

Related Transformers

  • 捕捉器似乎捕捉到发现的第一个合适的候选人,然后忽略其他可能的候选者。如果这不是您要找的,那么CoordinAterounder.可能是有用的。
  • 在尝试更复杂的操作之前,可以使用捕捉程序清除数据集,例如构建多边形。通常在这种情况下使用的其他变压器是扩展器Intersector.
  • The锚定纳普佩transformer provides slightly different functionality by identifying a set of features which will not be moved and will be snapped to by another set of features.


The example below illustrates end points of two line features snapping together.

The example below illustrates an endpoint and a vertex of a line snapping together.

The example below illustrates vertices of a segment snapping to another segment.

Editing Transformer Parameters

使用一组菜单选项,可以通过引用工作区中的其他元素来分配变压器参数。一些变压器也可提供更高级的功能,例如高级编辑器和算术编辑器。要访问这些选项的菜单,请单击除适用的参数旁边。有关更多信息,请参阅Transformer Parameter Menu Options.



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FME Base edition and above

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