Automatically Convert KML to GDB

File Geodatabase
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Efficiently Transform and Load KML Data into File Geodatabases

Quickly create workflows that load KML data into Esri File Geodatabase systems. More than a format translation tool, FME allows you to manipulate the structure and contents of a dataset to fit the model requirements of the target application. By creating a clear path between data models, the integrity of the source dataset is preserved and the output file behaves optimally in its destination. With workflows that run automatically and that can be saved for future KML to GDB conversions, FME saves you time and helps you work more productively.

Common Conversions

FME lets you integrate many applications and file formats. Here are some of the ways our users convertKMLandFile Geodatabase.



KML is XML-based notation for expressing geographic annotation and visualization on web based maps and earth browsers like Google Maps and Google Earth. It is an international standard of the Open Geospatial Consortium for all geobrowsers.

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File Geodatabase

Esri File Geodatabase is single-user GIS database framework for a desktop environment. It uses a local file structure for easy access and management of spatial data.

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FME is the data integration platform with the best support for spatial data. Save time by using its drag-and-drop interface to connect data from hundreds of formats and applications, transform data in limitless ways, and automate virtually any data workflow.

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