Integrate Australian Asset Design and As Constructed (ADAC) Using FME

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Solve Australian Asset Design and As Constructed (ADAC) Interoperability Problems with FME

Transform data from any application into the ADAC standard using the data conversion capabilities of FME. Without writing any code, move data from 345+ formats and applications into ADAC including:

Also use FME to read and transform data out of ADAC schema for us in your preferred system.

About Australian Asset Design and As Constructed (ADAC)

The Australian Asset Design and As Constructed (ADAC) format is an XML-based data standard developed by a consortium of local government agencies in Queensland. Its purpose is to facilitate the collection and storage of detailed information regarding civil infrastructure.


下表概述了澳大利亚资产德西gn and As Constructed (ADAC) is supported by our different FME products, and on which platform(s) the reader and/or writer runs.

Product OS
FME Form FME Flow FME Flow Hosted Windows 64-bit Linux Mac
Reader Professional Edition & Up checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Writer Professional Edition & Up checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark

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