Migrate Data from SQL Server to CouchDB

Microsoft SQL Server
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Automate SQL Server to CouchDB Data Migration Tasks

FME is data conversion and integration technology that helps you migrate data from SQL Server to CouchDB in an automated way. Through FME Desktop’s intuitive graphical user interface you are able to construct workflows that convert tabular data from SQL Server into JSON documents for CouchDB without writing any code. FME has tools that read SQL Server, write CouchDB and, unlike online data converters, tools that manipulate data’s contents and structure to fit any system’s model. For instance, you can break a SQL Server dataset into its components, extract subsets of data, make edits to contents, and generate a JSON document that is properly formatted to fit your CouchDB system’s schema.

By deploying FME technology via FME Server or FME Cloud you can automate SQL Server to CouchDB data migration tasks with capabilities like scheduling and real-time data processing. This helps ensure the two databases are always in sync.

Download a free 30-day trialand see how easy it is to automate SQL Server to CouchDB data migration tasks with FME.


Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is a database solution with the primary function of storing and retrieving data as requested by other applications.

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Apache CouchDB is open source NoSQL database software that features performance, reliability and seamless integration with web and mobile applications.

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FME is the data integration platform with the best support for spatial data. Save time by using its drag-and-drop interface to connect data from hundreds of formats and applications, transform data in limitless ways, and automate virtually any data workflow.

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