Automate GPX to MapInfo Data Conversion Tasks

GPS eXchange Format (GPX)
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Transform GPX to MapInfo in a Repetitive, Automated Way

Create reusable workflows for transforming data from the GPX format into the proper format and model for use in MapInfo. FME's tools manipulate the contents and structure of the dataset during translation to preserve key information for use in the destination system. Once configured, FME workflows run automatically and can be reused for ongoing GPX to MapInfo transformation requirements.


GPS eXchange Format (GPX)

的GPS eXchange Format is an XML-based format describing waypoints, tracks and routes that is used to interchange data between GPS devices and software applications.

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MapInfo Professional is a leading desktop GIS and mapping application used to visualize relationships between data and geography and derive new information.

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FME is the data integration platform with the best support for spatial data. Save time by using its drag-and-drop interface to connect data from hundreds of formats and applications, transform data in limitless ways, and automate virtually any data workflow.

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