Convert DWG to GeoTIFF

Autodesk AutoCAD (DWG)
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Turn AutoCAD Designs into Spatially-Referenced GeoTIFFs

Transform AutoCAD drawings into GeoTIFF images using FME tools to manipulate the structure and contents of the dataset and preserve spatial information during the DWG to GeoTIFF translation. Once constructed FME worklows run automatically and can be reused for future AutoCAD to GeoTIFF conversion needs.


Autodesk AutoCAD (DWG)

AutoCAD is design and drafting software used primarily by architects, project managers, and engineers for the creation of accurate digital drawings and models of their plans.

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GeoTIFF is metadata standard for georeferencing information embedded within a TIFF file including map projection, coordinate system, ellipsoids and other details that establish a spatial reference for the image.

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FME is the data integration platform with the best support for spatial data. Save time by using its drag-and-drop interface to connect data from hundreds of formats and applications, transform data in limitless ways, and automate virtually any data workflow.

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