你在这里: 流行格式 > ESRI形状文件读写器


The Esri®Shapefile Reader and Writer module allows FME to read and write Esri's shapefile format.

The shapefile format is a geospatial vector data format for geographic information system (GIS) software.It is developed and regulated by Esri as a (mostly) open specification for data interoperability among Esri and other GIS software 亚搏在线娱乐平台products.

In this example,geographic features (campsite,露营地,森林,道路)在形状文件中用点表示,线,and polygons (areas).Each item usually has attributes that describe it,比如名字,温度,或xy坐标。


ESRI shapefiles store both geometry and attributes for features.不存储拓扑信息。


Reader Overview

shapefile reader为存储在指定文件夹中的shapefile中的所有功能数据生成FME功能。

  1. 指定读卡器格式(esri shapefile)和数据集(.shp文件)
  2. Optional: SpecifyEsri Shapefile Reader Parameters.
  3. Click OK.

shapefile reader首先扫描文件夹中已在工作区中定义的shapefiles。对于找到的每个形状文件,它通过查看工作区中指定的功能类型列表来检查是否请求了该文件。如果匹配或工作区中未指定功能类型,the Shapefile is opened to be read.

shapefile reader从文件中一次提取一个特性,并将它们传递给FME的其余部分进行进一步处理。当文件用完时,shapefile读取器从文件夹中的下一个文件开始。


shapefile writer创建功能数据并将其写入在writer数据集字段中指定的文件夹中的shapefiles。

  1. Specify Writer Format (Esri Shapefile) and Dataset (folder name)
  2. Optional: Specifyesri shapefile writer参数.
  3. Click OK.

Any old shapefiles in the folder are overwritten with the new feature data.当功能通过FME路由到shapefile writer时,it determines the file they are to be written to and outputs them according to the type of the file.

Many shapefiles can be written during a single FME session.

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