You are here: Web User Interface > Using the Interface > Repositories


To Create a Repository

To add a new repository, clickNew. On the Create a New Repository page, provide a name and description for the new repository, and clickOK.

To Remove a Repository or its Contents

To remove a repository or its contents from the Server, select the repository, workspace, custom format, or custom transformer entry in the corresponding table and clickRemove. This removes the selected item from the Server.

To Edit a Repository Description

选择一个存储库,然后单击编辑. On the Editing Repository page, make your desired changes, and clickSave Changes.

To Share a Repository

Click the Share with Others icon. Through sharing, you can grant levels of permissions on an item to other users. You can share an item if you own it, or if you are a user with Manage Security permissions, such as an administrator. For more information about sharing and ownership, seeRole-Based and User-Based Access Control.