You are here: 参考手册 > FME服务器配置文件 > processmonitorconfigengines.txt.


################ 警告 ###############
# 支持。对此文件所做的任何更改都不会生效,除非
################ 警告 ###############
# The Process Monitor program is started from the command line and takes one argument.
# This argument is the pathname of the configuration parameter file.
# ASCII text file containing one parameter assignment on each line. Each
# assignment consists of a parameter name followed by an equal-sign followed
# by the parameter's value.
#node_admin_port = 7500
# The Process Monitor is case-sensitive to parameter names. Blank lines and lines
# as shown:
# Log File
#log_config_path - 包含日志文件配置的文件夹路径。
#log_file_name - 消息日志文件的路径名。
# Engine Failover
# FAILOVER_ENGINE_AUTOCONNECT - If true, then Engines will switch to active core when a failover occurs. If false,
#然后引擎不会切换到新的活跃core when a failover occurs. If failover
#dode_admin_port - 用于侦听请求的TCP / IP端口号
#node_name - 此FME服务器节点用于标识本身的名称。如果没有分配值,则节点需要
# the host name of the system on which it is running.
#node_description - 此FME服务器节点用于描述自己的字符串。如果没有分配任何值,则节点
#node_host - 运行它的系统的主机名。
#node_engine_admin_port - 用于管理引擎流程的引擎管理端口。
#node_overwrite - 如果“true”然后在此文件中指定的进程配置将始终覆盖这些配置
# only be added when the node hasn't already been added part of deployment.
#template_start_engine =
#template_stop_engine =
# For example:
#start_engine_engine1 =!template_start_engine!
#stop_engine_engine1 =!template_stop_engine!
# start in a separate process and monitor. The format for these command parameters is:
#start_ _ =
#stop_ _ =
#hows 具有以下语法之一:
#引擎 - FME引擎流程
#系统 - FME系统流程
# START_ENGINE_Engine1=/FMEServer/Server/fme/fme.exe REGISTER_SOCKET JIM 7070
# command string in the process and monitors the process for termination.
#if /当进程终止时,进程监视器创建另一个进程并重新运行相同的命令
# Optional START Parameters:
# On single Engine host environments, this can be "localhost" otherwise it should be the Engine host name.
# Each process START command can have an optional STOP parameter defining a
# For example:
#start_system_core = ...
#stop_system_core = ...
# Each process START command can also have an optional parameters. Parameters are delimited by |.
# For example:
#params_system_core = log = true |尝试= 20 |等待= 0 |持续= 60
# Optional Parameters:
# "log"
# while ENGINE processes will default to "true".
# This helps to identify which process command generated each output line.
# For example the following would explicitly enable process output logging for this ENGINE configuration
# START_ENGINE_Engine1=/FMEServer/Server/fme/fme.exe REGISTER_SOCKET JIM 7070
#params_engine_engine1 = log = true
# "norestart"
#Process Monitor,后者不会重新启动终止的进程。如果
# invalid integer value, the Process Monitor ignores any return values from the process.
# value is reached the Process Monitor will give up attempting to start the process. If this flag
# is absent or is present and specifies a value <= 0, the process will have no limit to the number of
# the default start attempt limit value of 20 is used.
# START_ENGINE_Engine1=/FMEServer/Server/fme/fme REGISTER_SOCKET JIM 7070
#params_engine_engine1 = log = true | norestart = 27 |尝试= 20
#如果此后缀标志存在并指定值> = 0,则将连续重新启动该过程
# a delay of seconds between restart attempts. If this suffix flag is absent or is present and specifies
# a value <= -1, the process will not be continually restarted. Note: The delay to seconds will start at
# "wait"
# For each process the Process Monitor interprets the wait period specified by
# the "wait" parameter in one of two ways:
# the wait period represents the maximum number of seconds the Process Monitor
# If the signal is received before the wait period expires, the Process Monitor
#Process Monitor停止在该点等待并继续开始下一个
# process.
# (as specified by the "attempts" suffix flag), the Process Monitor
# immediately proceeds to start the next process, even if the wait period
# To cause the Process Monitor to wait indefinitely for the start signal, specify
# a WAIT value of zero.
# 2) Monitor Port Directive is Absent
# If the -MONITOR_PORT directive is absent from the process START command line,
# the wait period represents the number of seconds the Process Monitor waits before
# continuing on to start the next process.
# (as specified by the "attempts" suffix flag), the Process Monitor
# immediately proceeds to start the next process, even if the wait period
# the next process without waiting.
# Processes that support the optional "MONITOR_PORT" directive" can include the
# following in their START command:
#此指令指定流程监视器侦听的TCP / IP端口
# non-zero and positive then that literal port number is used.
# If the process does not implement the monitor port capability then the
# directive should be omitted from the command string.
################ 警告 ###############
# 支持。对此文件所做的任何更改都不会生效,除非
################ 警告 ###############


# Log File
log_config_path =亚搏在线 {safe {serverdir}} / config / logger /引擎
log_file_name =亚搏在线 {safe {logprefix}} fmeprocessmonitorengine.log

failover_engine_autoconnect = true

# 行政
node_admin_port =亚搏在线 {safe {processmonitoradminportengine}}

node_name =亚搏在线 {safe {mexinghostname}}
node_description = fme服务器运行{safe {mexing亚搏在线hostname}}
node_host =亚搏在线 {safe {bementhostname}}

# ENGINE process configuration template
template_start_engine =“亚搏在线{safe {fmeexec}}”{safe {engineregistermode}} {safe {serviceRegistrameport}} {safe {connectionrequestport}} {safe {connectionrequestport}} {safe {securitycluster}} {safe {serverycluster}} {safe {serverdir}} / fmeengineConfig。txt“-engine_host_name {s亚搏在线afe {mexinghostname}}
template_stop_engine =.

# Start FME Engine 1
start_engine_ 亚搏在线{safe {lemberhostname}} _引擎1 =!template_start_engine!

# Start FME Engine 2
start_engine_ 亚搏在线{safe {bementhostname}} _ empanse2 =!template_start_engine!