Convert XML to CSV

Use FME to convert data from XML schema to the CSV tabular format.

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Transform XML to CSV Automatically

Create 亚搏在线workflows that convert data from XML to CSV – no coding required.FME's tools allow you to manipulate the structure and contents of complex XML datasets into a CSV file that suits your exact requirements.FME还允许您提取XML数据的子集,因此您最终只得到输出中需要的信息。

FME是一种生产力工具,旨在尽可能地将您从XML转换为CSV。The only work required on your part is to configure the 亚搏在线workflow in FME's intuitive graphical interface and click a button.转换在后台运行,而您只关注其他事情。为了提高效率,亚搏在线workflows can be saved and reused for ongoing XML to CSV conversions.

下载一个免费的30天的FME试用版,了解它如何简化XML到CSV的数据转换。With support for 345+ formats across many data types – tabular,database,web services,地理信息系统等等——你可能会发现它帮助你克服了额外的数据互操作性挑战。

XML(可扩展标记语言)是一种与软件和硬件无关的文本数据格式,用于传输和存储数据。尽管XML是以纯文本存储的数据格式,it can often be long and tedious to read.To structure this data,convert XML to a structured table format like CSV (Comma Separated Values) that is supported by a variety of proprietary applications.You can manipulate and control how your XML data is moved row by row.

Add FME into your data lineage to perfect the transformation of XML to CSV.FME不仅仅是一个XML转换器,but can also be used with over 400 other data formats.无论您是为了清理数据还是因为移动应用程序收集数据而需要转换数据,FME is the data sidekick for you.

FME 亚搏在线workflows are easy to make.Simply drag and drop the transformers that you need into your workspace to convert your XML files to CSV tables exactly as you need.No coding required!Increase your productivity even more by converting JSON files in bulk.使用FME服务器,您可以在事件发生时运行新创建的XML到CSV工作流,亚搏在线like a new XML file being saved,is triggered!这意味着您甚至可以转换XML数据,结构化的,并在一夜之间被解析为一个csv,当你回到办公室的时候就可以进行分析了。Like what you're hearing?Try FME for free today!

Comma-Separated Value (CSV) Logo

Common Conversions

FME lets you integrate many applications and file formats.下面是我们的用户转换可扩展标记语言的一些方法。


EXtensible Markup Language

eXtensible Markup Language or XML files are a popular data format due to its simplicity and usability.It is software and hardware independent format used for transporting and storing data.
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Comma-separated values (CSV) files store tabular data - numbers and text - in plain-text form.It's used as an exchange format as it is widely supported by a variety of proprietary applications.
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FME is the data integration platform with the best support for spatial data.Save time by using its drag-and-drop interface to connect data from hundreds of formats and applications,以无限的方式转换数据,and automate virtually any data 亚搏在线workflow.
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