I discussed database updates最近,并提到有两种一般情况。

One way is when you receive a changelog – a list of updates to be made – and apply them to your control database. That’s a simple one, because you know in advance what has changed and therefore which features need updates.

更新的第二种方法是,当您收到一个全新的数据集时,没有迹象表明什么是新的或更改的。为此,您需要做change detection. Previously an FME Hub transformer by the name ofUpdatedEtector通常使用。但是在2019年,我们对ChangeDetectortransformer that should make it your go-to transformer from now on…

Change Detection: What’s New?

In 2018更早的更改器变压器将“原始”数据集与“修订”版本进行了比较,并将这些功能分离为添加,删除和不变。

However, what it didnotdo is identify records that had changed. If a record existed in both the original and revised, but one of its attributes was now a different value, then that counted as a new (Added) feature. This made it hard to carry out “upserts” (database updates where a record already exists) because it was harder to tell whether a feature was truly new or not.

In 2019, however, the transformer is capable of handling updated records. In fact the new transformer design shows this through an Updated output port:

So this is very important. It vastly widens the scope of change detection for this transformer.

However, there is the issue of matching original features to their revised counterpart. FME can’t decide a revised record has been updated, without an original record to compare against. This is done using a key attribute value, meaning that the 2019 ChangeDetector has new parameters to handle that:

Differences in the ChangeDetector transformer help with Change Detection in 2019

We’ll look at an example shortly. For now just notice that the parameters dialog has a parameter called Update Detection Key Attributes, through which to select an ID or key value.

Anyway, if that functionality sounds familiar, it might be because we already included it in an FME Hub transformer called the UpdateDetector…

替换FME Hub UpdatedEtector

The UpdateDetector was created to fill gaps in the ChangeDetector’s functionality. Judging by the number of downloads, it was very popular transformer. But now it is deprecated on the FME Hub:

The UpdateDetector transformer was used for Change Detection, but now the ChangeDetector is preferred.

新的ChangeDetector不仅取代这个中心transformer, it exceeds it in both functionality and performance. The UpdateDetector will still function in an existing workspace, but we advise you to replace it with a new ChangeDetector.

Now let’s take a look at an example of how the new ChangeDetector works…

ChangeDetector Example



Change Detection in FME 2019


  1. GlobalID is the update detection key. This is the attribute that tells FME how to match records in the Original data with records in the revised data.
  2. The selected attributes are the ones I am checking for changes. i.e. where two records have a matching GlobalID, check these attributes for differences.
  3. 该标志告诉变压器还检查空间数据集中的几何形状。几个高级参数控制着这些精确的检查(见下文)。
  4. This parameter defines a list in which to store the changes that occurred; for example which attribute values differed and how.

正如参数a little different, so can the output be…


Because the ChangeDetector transformer now checks for matches – but not necessarily on every attribute – it’s possible that Original and Revised might count as a match, and yet not be totally identical. For example, attributesa,b, andcare a match, butdis different. The features are still a match though because you didn’t pickdin the Selected Attributes.



Additionally, by setting a List Name, the output features record the differences between Original and Revised. This record (for example) has two differences:


…tells me that the geometry of the feature was modified.

Also – just as the UpdateDetector did – this transformer sets thefme_db_operationattribute. Here is an example for a deleted record (was in the original, but not the revised):

This means that I can simply pass features to a database writer, specify the Feature Operation (fme_db_operation)和匹配列(再次在这里globalid)…



You may have noticed one of the advanced geometry parameters calledVector Tolerance:

Despite the name, this is not the same asthe tolerance setting I discussed previously对于FME2018。为什么这种容忍度有所不同?因为它不是试图找到两行相交的位置,并且没有试图调整现有点。相反,它发现了使用称为的东西,是否有两个功能Fréchet distance.


The common – and simpler – explanation is that of walking a dog. Say you walk along a path with your dog on a lead (leash). You walk in a relatively straight line (the red line, A, below), but your dog moves from side to side, in order to sniff at trees (the blue line, B):


问题是,你们每个人都需要多长时间才能走多长时间?在上图中,标记了狗和沃克之间的最大差距F. If my dog lead is at leastFlength, then we can walk our respective path without pulling at each other.

This concept makes a great solution for change detection. In FME terms a feature is unchanged if the Fréchet distance between Original and Revised is less than the specified tolerance value.

We feel that this algorithm is an improvement over the past method. It works on more geometries and it also allows applying tolerance in lenient matching mode, which wasn’t possible before.

Fréchet? Which Fréchet?

Please feel free to skip past this part if you aren’t into computational geometry. However, for you connoisseurs of Fréchet距离,您会注意到这是True Fréchet, not the离散的fréchet(which only calculates distance between vertex points). There is also aWeak Fréchetand FME uses that when the Lenient Geometry Matching parameter is active:

A Weak Fréchet is when you say that the walker or the dog is allowed to backtrack their steps. In a True Fréchet each has to keep moving forward.

In this example the dog walker (A) keeps walking in a straight line. The dog walks straight at first (tob1) but then veers around and to the right (tob2). They are still moving forward along their path, but their path is in a different direction:

In a True Fréchet the walker cannot reverse their path to account for this deviation. The most they can do is stop at their current position. For example here the walker minimizes the lead length by stopping to wait at point a1, while the dog follows their meandering path:

That, perhaps, is where the analogy breaks down a bit. Frechet distances are calculated knowing the path in advance, whereas it’s impossible in real life to know what course a dog will take!

Anyway, in a Weak Fréchet, the walker is allowed to reverse their course. When the dog starts heading from b1 to b2, the walker can double-back to say a2, to make for a shorter Fréchet:

If you don’t understand, you really shouldn’t worry. Just look at the two paths and remember that the Lenient Matching option means two features are more likely to be classed as a match.

More Change Detection Information




And – of course – if you don’t have 2019, then you can still download the UpdateDetector. The term “UpdateDetector” now only appears in Workbench as an alias for the ChangeDetector though; so access the transformer through the FME Hub, being sure to check the option for Show Deprecated in the interface.

Additionally, theMatchertransformer got a small makeover for 2019. Its parameters dialog was refreshed and gained the same tolerance parameter and algorithm as the ChangeDetector.


So that’s what’s coming up for Change Detection. Now you’ve read this article you won’t be surprised to see the entirely new ChangeDetector dialog when you upgrade to FME2019.


Happy FMEing,

About FME Change Detection ChangeDetector FME Evangelist Fréchet Matcher Tolerance UpdatedEtector Upsert


Mark, aka iMark, is the FME Evangelist (est. 2004) and has a passion for FME Training. He likes being able to help people understand and use technology in new and interesting ways. One of his other passions is football (aka. Soccer). He likes both technology and soccer so much that he wrote an article about the two together! Who would’ve thought? (Answer: iMark)


8 Responses to “Upserts and Dog-Walking: What’s New with Change Detection in FME 2019”

  1. Bruce says:

    Great enhancement, and an easy sell!

  2. Yonas B. says:

    Thanks for the heads up. Refreshing and informative.

  3. Nic says:

    Great blog post Mark. Love the dog walking analogy!

  4. Brilliant improvement and blog post. Thanks Mark, you’re probably one of the few persons who make computational geometry understandable

  5. Anne says:

    Where can I find information on how to write the records that come out of the “updated” port? Only the fme_db_operation attributes appear to pass through. Do I have to do this manually with the AttributeManager? Thanks

    • 那很有意思。我看到,如果我的原始数据具有额外的属性,则不会出现在更新的端口输出上。我怀疑这是因为我们认为它是一个已删除的属性(即更改),即使未选择。如果您想保留它们,那么也许是特色菜单将有助于将这些信息加入其中。


  6. Hayden says:

    I think there are some important things left out here that I have had issues with using this transformer:

    Unless you select “Match selected attributes” as type, the detector even matches on non-exposed attributes. for example, if you are matching two excel files, it will match on the hidden format attribute of excel row number. These hidden attributes are not listed as selectable attributes for matching or excluding from a match. This caused me great confusion until I saw the change list was referencing hidden attributes.

    When you give a list name, it does create list attributes but keeps them hidden. So you have to take extra steps to reveal list changes after the change detector tranformer.

    • 嗯。我看到文档说明了:

      “Match All Attributes: matching is performed on all attributes, including unexposed format attributes.”

      I think that’s a bit extreme, but at least we know it’s working as designed. In fact, one of the developers remarked:

      “We often have cases where many attributes are not exposed, or not known until runtime, so there needs to be a mode where it matches unexposed attributes.”


      我在2020年尝试了列表选项,并确实揭示了列表(尽管并非列表中的每个元素 - 无论如何它通常不会做)。也许这是一个新的修复程序,您正在使用较旧的FME?另外,如果您看不到更新的功能上的列表,最好将其作为FME社区(knowlace.safe.com)的问题发布,在这里其他人可以提供帮助,我们可以进行适当的对话。亚搏国际在线官网亚搏在线

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