This article is a simple guide to bulk database updates with FME.

有时我的博客文章就像一部法庭小说。最近精确文章is an example of this. I reach a successful verdict, but getting there involves an opening statement, a journey through obscure aspects of theory, cross-examining our functionality, and making a final argument for various design decisions. Only after all that can I prove beyond doubt that our work is fit for purpose.

That sort of article is fun to write and it does illustrate Safe’s thought processes in designing FME functionality. But sometimes – like reading a courtroom novel – you want to skip to the final chapter. You just want the juicy part where our hero attorney has already got the result, and simply illuminates the solution in logical steps.

Well, today, I am that hero attorney. I am thePerry MasonFME世界和本文是“使用FME更新数据库”的最后一章。无需理论或盘问。一步一步,我将阐明FME如何轻松将质量更新推向数据库。

There is just one design issue I’ll touch on, and it is important. In law there are multiple jurisdictions, and a technique Perry Mason tries in a California court may not work forAtticus Finchin Alabama. Similarly, in our world of data there are multiple databases. But! FME techniques you use for Oraclewillwork for SQL Server, and FME techniques you use for Postgreswillwork for an Esri Geodatabase.

How can this happen? It’s because we’ve worked really hard to harmonize (or standardize) the interfaces inside FME. So whatever database applies in your jurisdiction – or even if your work involves several database types – this post covers you.

So let’s get on with it…

Setting up an FME Database Connection

When you want to read to or write from a database – including database updates – you need authorization. FME defines authorization parameters using a connection tool. It’s accessed through Tools > FME Options in FME Workbench. So start Workbench, select Tools > FME Options and you will get this dialog:

When I click on Database Connections, I get a list of available connections. If I want to create a new one I press the plus button and get this dialog:

Just enter your database details in there, test and then save. Now you have a connection defined, you can use it wherever you like in FME. So first let’s use it to insert some data into a database…

Inserting Data to a Database with FME

To carry out database updates, first you need data in the database! Let’s say you want to read a dataset – maybe an Excel spreadsheet – and write it to a database, creating a table at the same time. That’s simply done in FME by generating a new workspace and choosing a database format. The generate option exists on the start page of FME Workbench, or you can use the shortcut Ctrl+G. That opens the basic dialog for defining a translation:

Here I have filled in the fields to define a translation of data about parks in the city of Vancouver. The translation is from MapInfo TAB (a spatial data format) to PostGIS (a standard PostgreSQL database with a spatial extension). The spatial part is not necessary – the same setup works for data without a spatial component – but maps are cool so I’ll go with it.


Click OK and that dialog creates a workspace that looks like this:



When using databases the key settings for each table are accessed by clicking the cogwheel icon on those objects, like this:

Database Insert Parameters

我的表名s the first parameter, and so I can rename the table to be something different; and I can choose which schema (Table Qualifier) to write to as well.

But the most important parameter (Feature Operation) tells us that we are INSERTing data, and I can also choose in what way the table is created:

So I can choose to create the table regardless of if it exists (Drop and Create), create it if it doesn’t already exist (Create if Needed), just add to the existing table (Use Existing), or empty it if it already exists (Truncate Existing).

我使用取决于场景我不工作吗hrough, but in this case – to create and fill a table – I’ll use如果需要,请创建.The advantage over Drop and Create is that if another user already has a table with that name (and I haven’t checked) then at least I won’t delete their content first.

Anyway, I run the workspace and FME loads the data:


Updating Records in a Database with FME

Say I receive a dataset named The simplest way to update my database is to do the same process as above, but to use Drop and Create as the table operation. That way I am just replacing everything:

But that relies on being the FULL replacement dataset. What if it only includes the records that need an update? Well in that scenario I simply change the operation to UPDATE (instead of INSERT) and choose to Use Existing table:


Notice that when I pick UPDATE, then another parameter becomes available to me: Match Columns. I need this to define which feature updates which record. In this case I have an attribute called parkid in my source data and a field (column) named parkid in my database table; so that’s the attribute I select:

因此,如果传入功能具有属性parkid = 13,则使用其内容来更新parkID = 13的数据库记录。

That’s simple enough, but to add a little complexity (not too much) there is also a WHERE clause I can use instead. This lets me define the match where the attribute and field names are not the same (for example ParkNumber and parkid) but also allows me to add extra conditions using field names:

Here, for example, I’m updating records where ParkNumber = parkid, but also only where the neighborhoodname field is “Downtown”. So records outside of the Downtown area aren’t updated, even if the park ID matches. I could do a similar test for a status field (active, inactive) among many other examples.

So we do updates here, and that’s simple enough; but sometimes we also want to delete records…

Deleting Records from a Database with FME


Database Delete Parameters


So deletes are no more complex than updates; the key question is what happens when I want to both delete and update records simultaneously?

Updating AND Deleting Database Records with FME


Obviously I can’t set the operation parameter to both DELETEand更新整个表。我做的是标记每个功能with the operation it will carry out. I do this using an attribute calledfme_db_operation

Database Updates AND Deletes

You can see here that I have added an attribute to each stream of data, using an AttributeCreator transformer. The attribute name isfme_db_operation.对于许多数据,我设置了要更新的值。另一组数据具有删除值。这就是我用自己的操作标记每个功能的方式。



The one assumption is that we already know which feature are deletes and which are updates. In the above example, the source data is already divided into two. If we aren’t sure of that then we might need to do what is calledChange Detection


变化检测是我们有一个新的数据集的地方d want to compare it to existing records to find what has changed. Here is such a workspace:


Then it’s just a case of writing the results back to the database table. I don’t even need to create thefme_db_operationattribute; the UpdateDetector has done that for me. I must just check that the table is set with the correct operation (fme_db_operation)and that Match Column is set.

At this point you probably know more than enough to carry out database updates; but there is one more scenario I can perhaps mention. What if each feature has a different match column? In that case you can write your match in the form of a where clause, and store it as an attribute. Then use that attribute for the match in the table parameters:

…just like that!

NOTE:In FME2019the ChangeDetector has undergone various improvementsand should be your go-to transformer instead of the UpdateDetector.


I hope that was a good explanation for database updates, short on theory and long on practical examples. Speaking of which, we have an有关数据库更新的在线教程, where you can carry out exercises, step by step, using similar examples to what I showed today. So if you want to try some of these techniques in a safe practice environment, click the above link to visit the tutorial.

As I mentioned, although I used Postgres here, most of our database formats use an identical interface because we’ve invested a lot of time standardizing them all. That work is still ongoing, so one of the tutorial articles includes a标准化格式列表, and what to do if your format is not yet updated.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to do like Perry Mason and wrap up my case by going out to celebrate with steak and cocktails!

PS:亚搏在线安全软件现在有一个Instagram page.我不知道Instagramis, but here’s a picture of me presenting at a prior user conference(oh, and riding an inflatable horse):

关于FME Databases FME Desktop FME传教士 Oracle PostGIS Postgresql Spatial Databases SQL Server

Mark Ireland



4 Responses to “A Beginner’s Guide to… Bulk Database Updates with FME”

  1. 玛塔 says:

    Hi Mark,
    I am training my Database skills based on your article, but I have a problem with matching features in Update Detector, could you explain how to use Key Attribute, Attributes to Match? How the transformer knows which features we want to update, and which to delete?

    • Mark Ireland says:

      Hi Marta,
      There are two versions of the UpdateDetector. I’m going to assume this is the custom/hub transformer in 2018.1, not the new one in 2019.
      The transformer knows which is which by comparing features with the same ID. If an Original record has no matching ID in Revised, then the original record must have been deleted. If a Revised record has no match in Original, then it must have been added. If there is a match then the two records are compared to see if changes have occurred.
      For example, say I have a database with 10 address records. They have ID numbers of 1 to 10. Later I am given a spreadsheet with address updates in. It has records with ID numbers of 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,11,12
      这有帮助吗?简而言之,它取决于您的功能/记录具有ID号 - 最好是独特的ID。然后可以将其与具有匹配ID的功能进行比较以查找更改。

  2. 玛塔 says:

    This is very useful, thank you Mark.

  3. Cloudi5 says:

    I really do not have any idea about what is FME , but when I read this article, I have a strong idea about it, and it is a step ahead of Beginner’s guide. Enriched with lot of resources about establishing connection !!

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