I discussed database updatesrecently, and mentioned that there are two general scenarios.

One way is when you receive a changelog – a list of updates to be made – and apply them to your control database. That’s a simple one, because you know in advance what has changed and therefore which features need updates.

The second way of updating is when you receive a whole new dataset, with no indication of what is new or changed. For that you’ll need to doChange detection。Previously an FME Hub transformer by the name ofUpdateDetectorwas commonly used. But in 2019 we have a great update to the换档板transformer that should make it your go-to transformer from now on…

Change Detection: What’s New?

In 2018一种nd earlier the ChangeDetector transformer compared an “original” dataset against a “revised” version and separated the features into Added, Deleted, and Unchanged.

但是,它做了什么notD.o is identify records that had changed. If a record existed in both the original and revised, but one of its attributes was now a different value, then that counted as a new (Added) feature. This made it hard to carry out “upserts” (database updates where a record already exists) because it was harder to tell whether a feature was truly new or not.

In 2019那however, the transformer is capable of handling updated records. In fact the new transformer design shows this through an Updated output port:


但是,存在将原始功能与其修订后的对应物匹配。FME无法确定已更新修订的记录,而无需原始记录以比较。这是使用密钥属性值完成的,这意味着2019 ChangeRetector有新的参数来处理:

Differences in the ChangeDetector transformer help with Change Detection in 2019

我们很快就会看一个榜样。目前仅注意参数对话框具有名为Update Detection键属性的参数,通过该参数来选择ID或键值。


Replacing the FME Hub UpdateDetector

The UpdateDetector was created to fill gaps in the ChangeDetector’s functionality. Judging by the number of downloads, it was very popular transformer. But now it is deprecated on the FME Hub:

UpdedetEtector Transformer用于更改检测,但现在更改器是首选。

新的ChangeDetector不仅取代这个中心transformer, it exceeds it in both functionality and performance. The UpdateDetector will still function in an existing workspace, but we advise you to replace it with a new ChangeDetector.



Let’s say I have an address database:

Besides that I have been given a new version of the data. I must now determine which address records have changed, so that I can push those changes to the database. I do that by simply adding a reader for each dataset, and passing it to a ChangeDetector:

Change Detection in FME 2019

From there I can see that 35 records changed between the original and revised dataset, with 2 new ones added. Also 13 records from the original data are absent from the revision. The majority of records are unchanged. Let’s look at the parameters I used:

  1. GlobalID是更新检测密钥。这是一个属性,告诉FME如何在原始数据中使用修订的数据中的记录匹配记录。
  2. The selected attributes are the ones I am checking for changes. i.e. where two records have a matching GlobalID, check these attributes for differences.
  3. This flag tells the transformer to also check the geometry in a spatial dataset. Several advanced parameters control those exact checks (see below).
  4. This parameter defines a list in which to store the changes that occurred; for example which attribute values differed and how.

正如参数一种little different, so can the output be…

New Change Detection Output

因为ChangeTetector变压器现在检查匹配项 - 但不一定在每个属性上 - 原始和修改可能会将其视为匹配,但尚未完全相同。例如,属性一种B.那一种ndC一种re a match, butD.是不同的。功能仍然是一个匹配,因为你没有挑选D.in the Selected Attributes.

To handle that scenario a parameter allows you to output either – or both – of the matched features:

If you do output both features, then a Match ID attribute is added, so that you can identify which features counted as a match.

Additionally, by setting a List Name, the output features record the differences between Original and Revised. This record (for example) has two differences:

The list tells me that two attributes (OWNERNM1 and OWNERNM2) were modified with new values, whereas this list:


同样 - 就像UpdateTetector所做的那样 - 这个变形金刚设置了fme_db_operation一种ttribute. Here is an example for a deleted record (was in the original, but not the revised):

这意味着我可以简单地传递给数据库编写器的功能,指定功能操作(fme_db_operation)一种nd match column (here GlobalID again)…

…and my address database is automatically modified with updates, additions, and deletions as necessary.


You may have noticed one of the advanced geometry parameters calledVector Tolerance

尽管名称,这与之不一样我以前讨论过的公差设置for FME 2018. Why is this tolerance different? Because it’s not trying to find where two lines intersect and it’s not trying to adjust existing points. Instead it finds whether two features are within tolerance, using something called theFréchet distance

The Fréchet distance is a measure of the similarity of two spatial features (usually “curves”) derived using the distance between the two features.

The common – and simpler – explanation is that of walking a dog. Say you walk along a path with your dog on a lead (leash). You walk in a relatively straight line (the red line, A, below), but your dog moves from side to side, in order to sniff at trees (the blue line, B):

Geometric change detection with a Frechet distance

The question is, how long does the lead need to be for each of you to walk your respective path? In the above diagram the widest gap between dog and walker is markedF。如果我的狗铅至少是F长度,我们可以走一定的路径而不互相拉动。



Fréchet? Which Fréchet?

Please feel free to skip past this part if you aren’t into computational geometry. However, for you connoisseurs of FréchetD.istances, you’ll notice this is aTrue Fréchet那not theDiscrete Fréchet(仅计算顶点之间的距离)。还有一个Weak Fréchet一种nd FME uses that when the Lenient Geometry Matching parameter is active:

A Weak Fréchet is when you say that the walker or the dog is allowed to backtrack their steps. In a True Fréchet each has to keep moving forward.

In this example the dog walker (A) keeps walking in a straight line. The dog walks straight at first (toB1)B.ut then veers around and to the right (toB2)。They are still moving forward along their path, but their path is in a different direction:

In a True Fréchet the walker cannot reverse their path to account for this deviation. The most they can do is stop at their current position. For example here the walker minimizes the lead length by stopping to wait at point a1, while the dog follows their meandering path:

That, perhaps, is where the analogy breaks down a bit. Frechet distances are calculated knowing the path in advance, whereas it’s impossible in real life to know what course a dog will take!



More Change Detection Information

The above example looked at the new change detection behaviour. However, in some cases you might want to carry out the same Added/Deleted/Unchanged process that the old ChangeDetector did. i.e. you don’t necessarily need to look for modified records.

If that’s the case, then simply leave the Update Detection Key parameter empty:

Then your features are assigned to Inserted or Deleted, according to whether they were Original or Revised input:

And – of course – if you don’t have 2019, then you can still download the UpdateDetector. The term “UpdateDetector” now only appears in Workbench as an alias for the ChangeDetector though; so access the transformer through the FME Hub, being sure to check the option for Show Deprecated in the interface.

此外,这是匹配transformer got a small makeover for 2019. Its parameters dialog was refreshed and gained the same tolerance parameter and algorithm as the ChangeDetector.


So that’s what’s coming up for Change Detection. Now you’ve read this article you won’t be surprised to see the entirely new ChangeDetector dialog when you upgrade to FME2019.

I believe this is a really useful update, and I look forward to using it. Oh, and in case you were struggling(!) here’s the answers to the canine spot-the-difference image:

Happy FMEing,

About FME Change Detection 换档板 FME福音师 Fréchet 匹配 Tolerance UpdateDetector 颠覆

Mark Ireland

Mark,Aka Imark,是FME Evangelist(EST.2004),并对FME培训有热情。他喜欢能够以新的和有趣的方式帮助人们理解和使用技术。他的其他一个激情是足球(又名。足球)。他非常喜欢技术和足球,以至于他在一起写了一篇关于这两者的文章!谁会想到?(答案:imark)


8 Responses to “Upserts and Dog-Walking: What’s New with Change Detection in FME 2019”

  1. Bruce says:

    Great enhancement, and an easy sell!

  2. Yonas B. says:


  3. Nic says:

    Great blog post Mark. Love the dog walking analogy!

  4. 辉煌的改进和博客文章。谢谢标记,你可能是少数人制作计算几何体格的人之一

  5. Anne says:


    • Mark Ireland says:

      这很有趣。我明白了,如果我的原始数据has an extra attribute, then it doesn’t appear on the Updated port output. I suspect it’s because we assume that it is a deleted attribute (i.e. that is a change) even if it’s not selected. If you want to keep them, then perhaps a FeatureMerger will help to join that information together.

      I hope this helps. If not, perhaps you can post this question to our community forums at knowledge.safe.com, where we can have a better conversation about what might be happening.

  6. Hayden says:

    I think there are some important things left out here that I have had issues with using this transformer:


    When you give a list name, it does create list attributes but keeps them hidden. So you have to take extra steps to reveal list changes after the change detector tranformer.

    • Mark Ireland says:

      Hmmm. I see the documentation says this:

      “Match All Attributes: matching is performed on all attributes, including unexposed format attributes.”

      I think that’s a bit extreme, but at least we know it’s working as designed. In fact, one of the developers remarked:

      “We often have cases where many attributes are not exposed, or not known until runtime, so there needs to be a mode where it matches unexposed attributes.”

      Again, I think format attributes is a bit extreme, but justifiable. You could always try a BulkAttributeRemover to get rid of all format attributes before carrying out the change detection. Or switch to selected attributes only, if possible.

      I tried the list option in 2020 and it does expose the lists (though not every element in the list – which it wouldn’t normally do anyway). Perhaps this is a new fix and you’re using an older FME? Alternatively, if you can’t see the list on the Updated features, it might be better to post this as a question to the FME Community (knowledge.safe.com) where others can help and we can have a proper conversation.

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