Comments and answers for "Issue viewing data in ArcPro/ArcMap written with FME" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest comments and answers for the question "Issue viewing data in ArcPro/ArcMap written with FME" Comment by redgeographics on redgeographics's answer

Any chance you can share a small sample of the data, both before and after translation?

Fri, 09 Aug 2019 07:02:08 GMT redgeographics
Answer by dcn23

Thanks for your comment.This led me to investigate the shape geometry a bit closer.I have just noticed.all the Shape_Area fields are wrong (not just the problem features, but all of them).If I run a buffer in ArcPro with a buffer dist of 1cm the correct area gets calculated and all features display correctly.

Im not doing anything particularly tricky in the workspace.Merging attributes on parcel ID then a few standard transformers like clipper, sorter, aggregator.The last thing I do is join the features back to the original Parcel data based on ID which is unnecessary but I was hoping to eliminate any bad geometries that might have been created.

In the FME data inspector the data looks as expected.(Image 1).Image 2shows the same data viewed in Pro.

Data in FME Data Inspector

Data in ArcPro

Thu, 08 Aug 2019 21:30:30 GMT dcn23
Answer by redgeographics

It kinda sounds like you're expecting areas to come out but get lines.There's a few things to check:

  • What does it look like in the FME Data Inspector?
  • What are you doing in the workspace?Any chance you are changing geometry types?(ESRI formats don't really like that)
Thu, 08 Aug 2019 17:36:51 GMT redgeographics