Answers for "Multiple instances of attributes missing when reading in XML" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "Multiple instances of attributes missing when reading in XML" Answer by nielsgerrits

Because there are more children, FME puts those in a list.Lists can't be displayed in the Table View but can be found in the Feature Information.Select the row in the Inspector and look for {}.

There are several ways of dealing with this.It all depends on the data but generally (to get a more generic workflow) I prefer to put all attributes in lists and work from there.This can be done in the Advanced Flatten Options, change row 9 from




Not sure what your starting level is, shout if you need more help.Providing sampledata / workspace helps with finding a fitting solution.

Fri, 26 Apr 2019 13:00:17 GMT nielsgerrits