Answers for "Hyperlinks using a dynamic excel writer" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "Hyperlinks using a dynamic excel writer" Answer by krisvesweco

Thanks guys!If I set thefile_path.hyperlinkin the schema file the hyperlink was written.

Now I have big problems getting the hyperlinks with foreign characters such as åäö to work in the hyperlinks, somehow excel dislikes these characters in a folder path.I tried many different combinations and none seems to work so far:)

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 15:07:12 GMT krisvesweco
Answer by lars_de_vries

Up to my knowledge, a local file reference uses three forward slashes, like file:///

Maybe that'll help as well.And have a look atthispost.Especially the answer by @takashi at the bottom of the post.In short, only have the file_path as an attribute in your writer.

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 14:32:28 GMT lars_de_vries
Answer by ebygomm

I think the problem will be that your schema doesn't reference the file_path.hyperlink attribute so it does not get written out.You would need to amend the schema to include the file_path.hyperlink for the attribute to be written out.This may not be straightforward, depending on your workflow.

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 14:11:05 GMT ebygomm