Comments and answers for "FME 2019.0 problems" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 “FME 2019.0问题”的最新评论和答案 lifalin2016评论on lifalin2016's comment

Well, it's most likely very easy to reproduce. Just enter an invalid server name for an existing service. That's what failed in my case, they retired a very long-running server name.

Thu, 12 Sep 2019 06:21:13 GMT lifalin2016
Comment by andreaatsafe on andreaatsafe's comment https://knowledge.亚搏在线 < div class = " fr-view clearfix " > < p >嗨< rel = "用户"href="//" nodeid="4156">@lifalin2016,

Sorry that you have encountered this issue.

For these problems have you been in contact with our support team or with your Safe Partner?

If you have not, would you be able to submit a problem report to us on the support team?

Please include information about the background map definition as well as send us the FMEReport.html after running the bat file attached to this article, so that we can understand your system environment.

We would like to reproduce the issue so that we can resolve it.

Thank you!


Wed, 11 Sep 2019 17:22:02 GMT andreaatsafe

Ah. It seems my background map definition (which erred) caused the crash.

It would be nice if FME didn't crash whenever some underlying detail like background maps erred.

Wed, 11 Sep 2019 10:25:01 GMT lifalin2016

And as an added investigation, I downloaded the 2020 beta (x64), created a new workspace with one Creator with one Inspector connected, and ran it. It crashed FME !

2019年9月10日星期二12:55:35 GMT lifalin2016
Answer by lifalin2016

Well, now I have a working workspace, that crashes FME when trying to open the inspector application after it's run is done. And this is on my company laptop, that hasn't given me issues before.

The workspace simply runs thru all FMW files, extracting the FME version from the embedded command line. You can easily run it with a different path to some workspace files.

It errs on 2019.1.1.0 build 19617.

Please advise.

TEST 2019.fmw

Tue, 10 Sep 2019 11:08:05 GMT lifalin2016
Comment by andreaatsafe on andreaatsafe's answer < div class = " fr-view clearfix " > < p >嗨< rel = "用户"href="//" nodeid="4156">@lifalin2016,

Glad to hear that the upgrade to FME 2019.1 is working for you with new workspaces.

We would like to see if we can reproduce the behaviour with the old workspace. Perhaps there is something inside of the workspace that is causing the crash. Are you able to share the workspace? If you cannot share it on the forums, please submit it via our report a problem form.

- Andrea

Tue, 06 Aug 2019 16:24:51 GMT andreaatsafe
Answer by lifalin2016


我升级了我的家用电脑以赢得10 Pro,并安装了2019.1。现在FME没有';当我创建一个新工作区并添加一个Tester(或TestFilter)transformer时,它不会崩溃。



Tue, 30 Jul 2019 07:03:59 GMT lifalin2016
Comment by andreaatsafe on andreaatsafe's comment

Great to hear!

- Andrea

Thu, 16 May 2019 18:58:02 GMT andreaatsafe
Comment by sondickerson on sondickerson's comment


2019年5月16日星期四18:40:09 GMT sondickerson
Comment by andreaatsafe on andreaatsafe's answer < div class = " fr-view clearfix " > < p >嗨< rel = "用户"href="//" nodeid="10050">@sondickerson,

Sorry to hear that you're encountering this issue. We have had another user report this to us (same faulting module: qt5network_fme.dll) and we were able to find the issue and resolve it, it is related to the underlying framework FME uses for the GUI (Qt).

Are you able to install and try the latest FME 2019.1 beta? You can install this into a separate directory to test it out. If that works, we have also put the fix into the next FME 2019.0.x which should also resolve this issue.

Please let me know if FME 2019.1 beta has the same behaviour or not.

- Andrea

Thu, 16 May 2019 16:43:18 GMT andreaatsafe
Answer by sondickerson

I have the same problem with FME desktop 2019 installation. Only I can't even get the workbench application to start without giving an error. I uninstalled 2017 version and installed 2019. Other installs of 2019 worked on my personal computer.

FME Workbench has stopped working

Problem event: APPCRASH

Fault module: qt5network_fme.dll

Windows server 2012 R2 64 bit

Thu, 16 May 2019 14:20:20 GMT sondickerson
Comment by andreaatsafe on andreaatsafe's comment < div class = " fr-view clearfix " > < p >嗨< rel = "用户"href="//" nodeid="4156">@lifalin2016, are you able to install and try the latest FME 2019.1 beta? Do you still have the same behaviour?
We would like to see if we can resolve the issue in an upcoming FME 2019.0.x release. If you can submit a problem report here, quoting this forum post, we can set up a screenshare with our developer to gather further information.
- Andrea

Wed, 15 May 2019 20:39:13 GMT andreaatsafe
lifalin2016评论on lifalin2016's comment

我';我正在测试它,正在启动Workbench,打开一个新的工作区,并尝试添加一个测试人员。每次都是这样。我只是试着添加一个TestFilter,但是现在它由于引用qt\u workbench.dll而崩溃了;。我有QGIS 3.4.6 x64安装在机器上,它广泛使用Qt5,它没有';t碰撞。

Sun, 12 May 2019 10:59:17 GMT lifalin2016
lifalin2016评论on lifalin2016's comment

我突然也遇到了Adobe Illustrator和Garmin Express的问题。重新安装Express解决了这个问题,使用32位版本的AI而不是64位版本可以工作(保存到web)。在Express事件中,这个错误也暗示了一些与Qt相关的东西
fme\u 2019\u appcrasks\u

Sun, 12 May 2019 10:47:22 GMT lifalin2016
lifalin2016评论on lifalin2016's comment

And I tried to install the 32 bit version, but it also fails, mentioning "fmeprompter.dll" instead of "Qt5Core_fme.dll" as in the 64 bit version.

Sun, 12 May 2019 10:26:53 GMT lifalin2016
lifalin2016评论on lifalin2016's comment https://knowledge.亚搏在线

It seems my second computer, which fails to run FME 2019, is a slightly newer build compared to my office computer, that runs FME 2019 just fine. Both run Win 10 version 1803, but builds 17134.706 and 17134.285 resp.

2019年5月12日星期日10:23:37 GMT lifalin2016
Comment by kes1 < div class = " fr-view clearfix”> < div class = " fr-viewclearfix">

I have the same problem as @lifalin2016, same behaviour and error message on in the event viewer - though I'm using the FME workbench bundled with ArcGIS the Data Interoperability extension.

In this case it's FME version 2018.7.35 Build 18568. Windows 10 x64 build 1803.

Have reported through ESRI support (as they manage support issues with the extension) but thought I'd add mention that I'm seeing the same behaviour here.

Faulting application name: fmeworkbench.exe, version: 2018.7.35.18568, time stamp: 0x5be5204f Faulting module name: Qt5Core_fme.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x59da53d2 Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x0006cce8 Faulting process id: 0x2a44 Faulting application start time: 0x01d50739f98ca8e9 Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Esri\Data Interoperability (x86)\fmeworkbench.exe Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Esri\Data Interoperability (x86)\Qt5Core_fme.dll
Fri, 10 May 2019 15:26:18 GMT kes1
小孟加泰点评亚搏在线on xiaomengatsafe's comment

我也看到另一个用户在Windows 10 1803上遇到崩溃。但我可以';我不敢肯定那是不是';巧合的是,你们都在1803年;我现在用的是windows10pro1809。我无法再现您或其他用户报告的崩溃。

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 17:18:10 GMT 小门关亚搏在线

请问您的Windows 10版本是什么?我';我正在调查;这是1803年的更新';我的电脑坏了。

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 09:24:56 GMT lifalin2016

请问您的Windows 10版本是什么?我';我正在调查;这是1803年的更新';我的电脑坏了。

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 09:24:41 GMT lifalin2016
lifalin2016评论on lifalin2016's comment https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I've looked into the Windows Update angle, and it seems that what worked nicely before March 10 now fails. I can see that multiple updates of Windows 10 version 1803 has been installed since then. What versions of Windows 10 has FME 2019.0 been tested against ?

Tue, 23 Apr 2019 17:42:43 GMT lifalin2016


Navn på;程序med fejl:fmeworkbench.exe,版本:2019.7.36.19238,tidstempel:0x5c9d7fb3
Navn på;modul med fejl:Qt5Core\u fme.dll,版本:,tidstempel:0x5bac0970
对于skydning med fejl 0x00000000001e38b8
过程id 0xef0
程序id:C:\Program Files\FME 2019\fmeworkbench.exe
模块id:C:\Program Files\FME 2019\Qt5Core\u FME.dll
Fuldt navn på;program med fejl:
program med fejl的相对程序id:

看起来我的机器有Qt5Core\u fme.dll问题。对此有什么特殊要求吗?

Tue, 23 Apr 2019 14:11:54 GMT lifalin2016
lifalin2016评论on lifalin2016's comment https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Alas no.

But I did encounter a similar error with a couple of other programs on the same machine, errors I haven't seen before. So it may be a Windows (update?) problem.

The machine is running on Windows 10 Home. Is that a problem ?


Tue, 23 Apr 2019 08:08:28 GMT lifalin2016
小孟加泰点评亚搏在线 < div class = " fr-view clearfix " > < p >嗨< rel = "用户"href="//" nodeid="4156">@lifalin2016, Sorry to see that you've been having some issues with FME 2019. Just curious, were you able to get this issue resolved yet? If you haven't yet done so, please follow the link david_r shared, and use the bat file provided to gather some system info, and send it to us through this form: // We will investigate this further.

Mon, 22 Apr 2019 19:13:44 GMT 小门关亚搏在线

So I finally got something to work. I copy'n'paste'd all transformers to 2019 except for Tester's. I then replaced these with PythonCaller's that did the same testing. This worked.

But then it wouldn't load my custom Python based transformers, even though I switched the compatability to Python 2.7, and even though they're located in my shared folders. Only when I copied the transformer to the "Workspaces" (shared) folder would it find (and use) it.

And then the Data Inspector crashed, after Visual Preview crashed.


Mon, 15 Apr 2019 10:54:11 GMT lifalin2016
lifalin2016评论 https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I tried to replace build 19238 with 19236 (RC), but it changed nothing :-(

2019年4月15日星期一09:48:09 GMT lifalin2016
Comment by david_r on david_r's comment Mon, 15 Apr 2019 09:13:13 GMT david_r lifalin2016评论on lifalin2016's comment

It may very well be something on this computer, but FME needs to run on it, and I can only perform the install, and report the error. What else can I report? It's a Win10 x64 with Home Edition and 32 Gb RAM and lots of HDD.

Is there a way to generate some low level crash info feedback to Safe ?

Mon, 15 Apr 2019 08:58:37 GMT lifalin2016
lifalin2016评论 https://knowledge.亚搏在线 < div class = " fr-view clearfix " > < p >所以我试图install the 32 bit version too, and it shows the exact same symptoms. It's not even only related to the Tester transformer, the TestFilter transformer does the same thing. I sampled most of the transformers before and after these two in the alphabetically sorted list, and none crashed FME.
And here I changed nothing after installation before testing.

Mon, 15 Apr 2019 08:55:29 GMT lifalin2016
红地学评论红地学评论 https://knowledge.亚搏在线
这有助于缩小问题的范围。因为@david\u r我无法复制它&\39;可能与您的特定环境或计算机有关。
Mon, 15 Apr 2019 08:48:05 GMT 红色地理学
Answer by david_r

我无法在PC上重现build 19238(Win64)的问题。


2019年4月15日星期一08:32:46 GMT david_r

It kinda defeats the purpose to install on a different computer, doesn't it ? ;-)

Mon, 15 Apr 2019 08:30:49 GMT lifalin2016

Can't reproduce that here, first thing I would try is re-installing and/or trying it on a different computer.

Mon, 15 Apr 2019 08:28:45 GMT 红色地理学