Answers for "Remote Engine shutting down 2018.1" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "Remote Engine shutting down 2018.1" Answer by jlutherthomas

In this situation the engine had been installed and configured but was not able to communicate with the FME Server database, as shown by a warning in the fmeprocessmonitorengine log file:

FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host

Editing the hba.conf file to allow connections from the remote engine machine is necessary to allow the engine to communicate with the FME Server database so that it can receive and process jobs.
Step 2 inthis documentationoutlines how to do this.

Thu, 21 Mar 2019 16:07:43 GMT jlutherthomas
Answer by jlutherthomas


How did you add the engine to your FME Server install, if it's not showing in the web ui?
Is the other engine the same build as your FME Server?

Have you looked in the engineprocessmonitor and the engine log for that engine?You can find log files under Resources in the web ui.

Tue, 19 Mar 2019 18:21:12 GMT jlutherthomas
Answer by redgeographics

Here's theFME Server troubleshooting guide for engines.

Looking at it, the shutting down might be related to scheduled rebooting after a certain number of jobs/features processed, but in that case it should come back automatically.

Fri, 15 Mar 2019 08:15:28 GMT redgeographics