Answers for "How do I use a parameter to call a feature class in a Feature Reader when I run a workbench from a python script?" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "How do I use a parameter to call a feature class in a Feature Reader when I run a workbench from a python script?" Answer by surbhi


that worked for me when I read a feature class from a file geodatabase.

However when I try to do read a feature class from a SDE geodatabase, I get an error which starts with 'Too many recursive macro substitions -- line currently is: `SOURCE_READER GEODATABASE_SDE CONNECTION_FILE "$(CONNECTION_FILE)"

Do you know what may be causing this error?

Fri, 08 Feb 2019 20:05:12 GMT surbhi
Answer by markatsafe

You should be able to use the reader parameter called Feature Types to Read.It's available on all readers and in the FeatureReader

Fri, 08 Feb 2019 19:54:55 GMT markatsafe