Answers for "LineDivider FME 2018" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "LineDivider FME 2018" Answer by joe_gerner


thank you for your quick response.

The configuration of the transformers is the same in both workbenches.I upgrade the transformers by rightclicking on the every single transformer in the list "upgradeable transformers".There I can see that the configuration is the same for the old and the new transformer.

I check the history of the LineDivider.I´m sorry but I don´t know what I have to do with that information ^^

old LineDivider

new LineDivider

Fri, 08 Feb 2019 07:43:23 GMT joe_gerner
Answer by takashi

Yes I modified the Python script in 2017 in order to resolve@redgeographic'sissues.

Could you please check if the History of the LineDivider in the new workspace is different from the old one?

Also, check if the parameters configuration is exactly same among the two workspaces.

Thu, 07 Feb 2019 13:27:30 GMT takashi
Answer by redgeographics

I'm sure@takashiknows best what has changed (and I suspect that the change may have been made due to some issues I was running in to).

What you could do is use a ChangeDetector to see what the differences between the old and the new results are.

Thu, 07 Feb 2019 12:48:55 GMT redgeographics