Comments and answers for "PointCloudSurfaceBuilder,right parameters to get a composite surface" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest comments and answers for the question "PointCloudSurfaceBuilder,right parameters to get a composite surface" Comment by jovitaat亚搏在线safe on jovitaatsafe's comment https://knowledge.亚搏在线

This is a rather late jump in on my part here,but have you tried using the Poisson triangulation instead?This method creates a watertight surface so there shouldn't be any holes in the output,but once again it may take some experimentation with the parameters.

否则,perhaps you could try usinga SurfaceModellerinstead.This articlealso links to a few other tutorials on working with point clouds and constructing surfaces.Hope this helps!

Tue,26 Feb 2019 16:52:54 GMT jovitaat亚搏在线safe
Comment by RomanHassas on RomanHassas's answer

I have played around witth the lenght,this is a thinned pointcloud.I did try to triangulate the original file,i get the same result.Small holes where i can not manage to triangulate.

Tue,05 Feb 2019 09:02:13 GMT RomanHassas
Answer by atle_hoidalen

这就跟你问声好!I might be wrong,but seems like you should play around with the parameters regarding the lenght of the triangles created?Your point cloud does not seem very dense so it might be that some points are too far away from each other to be triangulated with your current setting?I do not have any trouble using the simple triangulation method,my problem was using the poisson triangulation method.:)

Wed,30 Jan 2019 08:23:50 GMT atle_hoidalen