Comments and answers for "Python Exception: No module named arcgisonlineCommon" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest comments and answers for the question "Python Exception: No module named arcgisonlineCommon" Answer by rahulsharma

Resolution:There was some issues with installation.Uninstalling and re-installing FME Desktop resolve the issue.
If there are any issues relating to installation please refer to this article to set up a clean install

Thu, 24 Jan 2019 21:23:42 GMT rahulsharma
Comment by pijke on pijke's answer

Thanks for you reply@rahulsharma.I sent the results in a support request.

Thu, 24 Jan 2019 19:20:58 GMT pijke
Answer by rahulsharma

@pijke, Can you try following
Re-authenticate the WebConnection "Envita GIS ArcGIS Online"
You mentioned existing Reader works, Can you try adding a reader to that existing workspace (please make a copy if that workspace is in production?
Can you confirm that you can access the feature using same credentials on WebUI?
Can you also clarify what version of FME Desktop are you using or is it Data Interop?

I think I would like to have a closer look at this, please file a support ticket here//, and Atten : Rahul and I can follow up with you.

Thu, 24 Jan 2019 17:33:25 GMT rahulsharma