回答“奇怪的AutoCAD转换问题。” https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/85027/strange-autocad-conversion-issue.html 关于“奇怪的AutoCAD转换问题”的最新答案。 答案由eric_61 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/101051/view.html
Hi @andyew, >


最近我的屏幕上也出现了这个学生版本的消息。在我的工作台中,我使用一个AutoCAD模板文件。我是用CAD map3d 2017创建的,这个文件是标准保存为Release2013文件。工作台中的编写者搜索2013版模板。到目前为止一切顺利,没有问题。CAD文件没有问题。同时,我们已经在办公室安装了AutoCAD 2019。我对模板文件做了一些修改,没有意识到CAD 2019会自动将文件保存为2018版。 The writers still search for the template Release2013, and here it goes wrong. Opening the CAD file results in the message student version.

You might think there are 2 options to solve it:

1. Make it backward compatible, save the template in AutoCAD as a Release2013 file. It's the easiest way, works fine indeed. Does not give troubles with the student version message.

2. Keep all up-to-date, renew the FME writers and make them search for the Release2018 template. Probably the most preferable option, but... it does not solve the problem of the student version message.

At this point I get lost. For me option 1 is good enough, but a little unsatisfying. Maybe AutoCAD 2019 has settings about 3rd party creations FME cannot cope with correctly, or FME writers need more advanced options/settings/parameters for creating AutoCAD Release2018 files. I have no idea, maybe someone has. I would like to hear about it.

Thanks, Eric

格林威治时间2019年10月23日星期三16:18:58 eric_61
答案由daveatsafe亚搏在线 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/85109/view.html https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/85029/view.html