Answers for "How do you close DXF (AutoCAD) lines that are separated by long distances?" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "How do you close DXF (AutoCAD) lines that are separated by long distances?" Answer by lars_de_vries https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I usually use a CoordinateExtractor (with index 0 and -1) to get the first and last coordinates of the line.With a VertexCreator (replace with point) I create new points for these lines.Next I use a NeighborFinder to find the closest to points and use another VertexCreator (add vertex) to create the lines to close these openings.

Tue,04 Dec 2018 21:19:51 GMT lars_de_vries
Answer by jdh https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Could you intersect your problematic lines against a line corresponding to the sheet limits?(if not available,the accumulated bounding box of the data might work).Then just keep the pieces of the sheet that are connected to data at both ends.

Tue,04 Dec 2018 21:04:09 GMT jdh