Comments and answers for "Reproject a geojson feature create a weird geometry" The latest comments and answers for the question "Reproject a geojson feature create a weird geometry" b发表评论aschec on baschec's comment

Oh that's really good to know, thanks a lot for those useful informations.

Wed, 28 Nov 2018 15:31:39 GMT baschec
Comment by david_r on david_r's comment

Unfortunately I have no idea about the regular Reprojector, I actually never use it. My order of preference is:

  • Are the coordinates in Switzerland? ReframeReprojector
  • If not, use the CsmapReprojector

Btw, the Reprojector may have inaccuracies up to about a meter compared to the ReframeReprojector, which is basically why you shouldn't use it inside Switzerland. The CsmapReprojector is much better, but may still be off by some centimeters.

Wed, 28 Nov 2018 15:20:14 GMT david_r
b发表评论aschec on baschec's answer

Ho, wow, thanks, indeed it works. But I still don't get why the classic reprojector doesn't work in this case? It's not the first time that I'm using a reprojector to switch between LV03 and LV95 but it's the first time that I get this error.

Wed, 28 Nov 2018 15:17:41 GMT baschec
Answer by david_r

Since you're reprojecting between the Swiss reference frames LV03 and LV95, you should not be using the Reprojector, but the ReframeReprojector that was developed by Swisstopo for this specific use case.

I just tried it with your sample workspace and the result seems correct.

Alternatively you can also use the CsmapReprojector with a specific transformation method:

It will be somewhat faster than the ReframeReprojector, but slightly less accurate.

Wed, 28 Nov 2018 15:12:21 GMT david_r

In addition, I'm sure that i'm using the right projection. But the output coordinates of the reprojector don't make any sense.

结婚,2018年11月28日15:03:45格林尼治时间 baschec