Questions in topic: "language" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "language" Documentation in Spanish https://knowledge.亚搏在线


although I can read english quite fluently,for this kind of technical stuff I still feel more confortable doing it in my mother tongue,spanish.I feel I lose nuances that can make my processes more efficient becuase I did not select the right transformer.

I have seen that there exist the FME in spanish,but I don't need it.I am OK working in english,it is just sometimes I waste too much time 'deciphering' the help :)

I have seen that all the documentation (and you have a lot) is in english.Maybe it is just I did not look in the right place.

So,is there any place where I can find the documentation in Spanish?



documentation language Sat,24 Nov 2018 21:04:59 GMT b4stgi