Answers for "Setting up an API workspace" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "Setting up an API workspace" Answer by hbeata

Thanks@SiennaAtSafe-- I will take a look.Appreciate the help!

Thu, 15 Nov 2018 14:28:22 GMT hbeata
Answer by siennaatsafe


I'd start by taking a look at this article.

It does seem like you have the starting point correct, you have a creator attached to an HTTPCaller.This HTTPCaller will store the JSON in an attribute called the response body.After this, I would use either a JSONFlattener or JSONFragmenter (depending on the data structure), to create new attributes.To do this follow the above article.Then you can use an AttributeKeeper, to decide which attributes to keep.Then write it out to a CSV.

If you are still confused after following the tutorial I can mock up a workspace if you provide me with a sample of your JSON.

Wed, 14 Nov 2018 20:51:49 GMT siennaatsafe