Answers for "Add 3rd dimension on segment" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "Add 3rd dimension on segment" Answer by whkarto


I'd avice you to do as follows:

  1. assign unique IDs to your segments by theCounter,
  2. then chop them to vertices by aChopper,
  3. assign IDs to every vertex by aCounterand
  4. then adjust height of your vertices accordingly.For example you could obtain Z-position of your control points and transfer them to your segment vertices by aNeighborFinder.
  5. Once the Z-Attribute has been transferred push the vertex into this position by help of3DForcerand
  6. than use aSorterto rearrange correct order of your data.
  7. By help ofPointConnectorand separation attribute of your segmentID you will receive the initial features but now with 3D coordinates.

Hope this helps!

Fri, 09 Nov 2018 08:06:04 GMT whkarto
Answer by takashi

Hi@arthy, take a look at the 3DInterpolator transformer.

Fri, 09 Nov 2018 01:06:40 GMT takashi