Answers for "Writing multiple features dynamically to dwg" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "Writing multiple features dynamically to dwg" Answer by 1spatialdave

Hi@bjudes, if by 'features' you mean featuretypes or layers, called Canal, Canal Lock and Canal Harbour then there is a nice identifier you can use to help.Put an AttributeExposer on the canvas and expose the attribute fme_feature_type, now add an AttributeValueMapper and set it up so that when fme_feature_type is equal to "Canal Lock", replace it with "Canal".You could also use an AttributeManager with a conditional statement for this or say a Tester to look in the fme_feature_type attribute using a regex, where the string is ^Canal, which filters off everything that you can then use an AttributeCreator to set the fme_feature_type to the new layer name.

If however, your features are individual objects then you'll need to look for another identifier to filter them on like the autocad_block_name which you can then use to ultimately adjust the fme_feature_type attribute.When the feature hits the writer with the new fme_feature_type value it will be written to the new layer name.

Hope that helps, Dave

Tue, 23 Oct 2018 15:23:30 GMT 1spatialdave