Comments and answers for "How to iterate through a list of .dwg file in order to convert them to .shp format" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest comments and answers for the question "How to iterate through a list of .dwg file in order to convert them to .shp format" Comment by hugocrites on hugocrites's answer

@rileym Thanks for this!it worked

Tue, 16 Oct 2018 20:28:00 GMT hugocrites
Answer by rileym Hi @hugocrites

If the DWG files are within a single directory, when adding your reader you can select 'select multiple files' from the drop-down to the right of the 'dataset' parameter.Here you can select a folder rather than a file, and FME will add a feature type for each file within the folder.

If you need multiple SHP outputs, simply map these to equivalent SHP writers and the filename will remain the same.

If you need to merge them into a single output SHP, then you can use an AttributeExposer to expose the 'fme_basename' attribute, which is the filename of the input feature type.You can then use this in the writer output.

Tue, 16 Oct 2018 20:09:43 GMT rileym