Comments and answers for "using @UUID() as a published parameter" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest comments and answers for the question "using @UUID() as a published parameter" Answer by egomm https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Create one UUID for each unique filename then merge this back to all features

Fri,03 Aug 2018 08:07:53 GMT egomm
Answer by takashi https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi@david_prosack88,you can use the Creator (Number to Create: 1) and the UUIDGenerator to create a single feature containing a UUID as an attribute,then merge it to every feature unconditionally with a FeatureMerger.If you make the Creator to run at first,you can set Yes to the Supplier First parameter in the FeatureMerger to run it with better performance.

Instead of the FeatureMerger,you can also use the VariableSetter to store the UUID as a global variable after the UUIDGenerator,and get the value with the VariableRetriever on the main 亚搏在线workflow.In this case,the Creator should be run at very first.

Alternatively,you can create a private parameter of Scripted (Python) type to make a single UUID.

import uuidreturn uuid.uuid4()
See also here to learn more about the Python uuid module.
Thu,02 Aug 2018 22:20:18 GMT takashi