Answers for "coordinate system conversation problem in EPSG 24370?" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "coordinate system conversation problem in EPSG 24370?" Answer by anwaralikhanhun

@DaveAtSafe Thank you for your support.Its Work For me when I set it to null.I have faced a new issue in my fme translator.when I translate building furniture with setting feature role as interior furniture it cannot translate into city gml file Please have a look at my fme translator


Tue, 14 Aug 2018 07:44:16 GMT anwaralikhanhun
Answer by daveatsafe


Normally, if you geolocate the Sketchup file, FME will read it with a custom coordinate system centered around the lat/long you set.

However, you have the coordinate system on the reader set to PAK-IIA/a, which will override the coordinate system read from the file.Please try removing the coordinate system from the reader, and see if that solves the problem.

Thu, 19 Jul 2018 19:03:36 GMT daveatsafe