评论和答案“如何优化一个非常大的shapefile(100+ MB),以便将其转换为合理大小的KML(足够小,以便在Google地球中轻松打开/查看)?” https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/74418/how-can-i-optimize-a-very-large-shapefile-100-mb-i.html. 问题的最新评论和答案“如何优化一个非常大的shapefile(100+ MB),以便将其转换为合理大小的KML(小足够轻松,以便在Google地球中轻松打开/查看)?” Arnold_Bijlsma回答 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/74423/view.html.

In the KMLStyler, there is an option Allow Unique Styles Per Feature, where you specify whether you want to have one single style for all features or a style for every feature, i.e. 10 lines of code in the header of your KML file, or 10 lines of code for every feature!

Although having one single style is often insufficient, you could create a separate KML for each style class, e.g. one for each interval or each subtype, unticking that aforementioned option!

2018年7月14日星期六11:20:40 GMT Arnold_bijlsma.
Arnold_Bijlsma回答 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/74422/view.html. 为了减少文件的大小,无论其格式如何,您都可以执行一些事情:
  • 减少属性的数量,例如使用attributekeeper
  • 简化了您的几何形状,例如使用普雷改装器
  • 将文件转换为(dumb)图像。


    星期六,2018年7月14日10:57:53 GMT Arnold_bijlsma.