“加载大型CityGML数据集”的注释和答案 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/74073/loading-a-large-citygml-dataset.html 关于“加载大型CityGML数据集”问题的最新评论和答案 关于greenstone1564的评论 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/comments/88623/view.html

Hi Jerez,很抱歉这么晚才回复您,非常感谢您的帮助!我刚看到这个。我最终通过使用扇出函数解决了这个问题。其他人来说可能会偶然发现了这个问题,这是我打开另一个线程来解决我的问题:<一个rel = " noopener noreferrer " href = " https://knowledge.safe.com/questions/84869/output-buildings-into-individual-obj-files.html亚搏在线 " target = "平等" > https://knowledge.safe.com/questions/84869/output-buildings-into-individual-obj-files.html < / > < / p > < / div > 2019年3月18日星期一12:39:51 GMT greenstone1564 赫雷斯评论赫雷斯的回答 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/comments/85134/view.html

您可以使用FME从3D城市数据库中导出单个建筑到单个gml文件。要做到这一点,你需要xml项目文件到城市数据库。您可以从3dcityDB导入导出器的GUI中保存一个(项目在顶部(保存到项目文件之前,先建立连接,并在“偏好”和“导出”选项卡中进行所有其他的偏好设置))。将此文件保存到容易找到它的位置。< / p >

Then in FME use SQL executor to select gmlid from your database as result. Modify the result value with attribute creator, so that the new value is <gmlid>(gml id value)</gmlid>. Now it's suitable to a xml document. Send this new gmlid to AttributeCreator where you have your whole, previously saved, 3DcityDB project xml copied as attribute value. Name the new attribute for example _xml.

The result gmlid from the SQLexecutor should be applied to the export filter part of the project xml in the attribute creator. <export>.....<filter>....<mode>...<simple>..<gmlIds>(put your gmlid value here)</gmlIds>. Thats why whe modified the gmlid to xml form.

Create a new project xml file with attribute file writer, this is your config file. Set parameter to owerwrite existing file. Now you have an configuration to export just one object defined by its gmlid.

With system caller in FME, trigger the 3D city Database export with cmd prompt commands and use your newly created project xml file as project xml file to be used in the export. With parameter and/or attribute values, name each output export file with f.e the gmlid value you resulted from sql executor. Now the export should be triggered for each building and each building should be in their own files. I recommend that you make user parameter value for the export path, and name the last folder with f.e the gmlid also, so that for each individual gml file there is also individual appearance folder (if you have appearances applied)

Example system caller command line:

java -jar -Xms128m -Xmx1024m (path to your 3d importer-exporter)/lib/3dcitydb-impexp.jar -shell -config (path to your config file) -export (your export path)/(your gml id value).gml

2019年1月10日星期四12:37:48 GMT 赫雷斯 答案由greenstone1564 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/84863/view.html

只是为了跟进这个线程-我已经加载整个纽约市LoD2 GML文件到3D城市数据库,但我不确定你的意思输出花砖。我看到了一个过滤函数,大概我只能输出“建筑物”。类。>

< p>

一个问题是,我怎样才能将单独的建筑输出到单独的文件中?我想也许我需要写一个定制的脚本来做这件事,但是以防你知道任何现成的工具。谢谢! < / p > < / div > 2019年1月4日星期五22:13:37 GMT greenstone1564 古西玛对古西玛的回答的评论 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/comments/74256/view.html <一个rel = "用户" href = " /用户/ 8081 / virtualcitymatt。@virtualcitymatt谢谢你的信息,我来试试。
2018年7月12日星期四格林尼治时间10:53:07 guthima
答案由virtualcitymatt https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/74244/view.html

我不会真的建议加载whooole数据集到FME -这只会占用很多内存。我认为您最好的选择是使用3dcitydb导入/导出工具将citygml导入到3D城市数据库的postgis实例中(这也需要相当多的时间)。一旦进入数据库,您可以使用3dcitydb导入/导出工具将数据导出为tile。我认为这些磁贴可能是FME/你们的硬件能够更好地处理的东西。

这里是您可以获得进口商/出口商:https://www.3dcitydb.org/3dcitydb/d3dimpexp/也阅读有关如何使其工作的文档。< / p > 格林尼治时间2018年7月12日星期四09:22 . 41 virtualcitymatt