评论和答案的“属性数据为PDF” https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/74002/attribute-data-to-pdf.html 最新的评论和答案的问题“属性数据为PDF” 评论由xiaomengatsafe上xia亚搏在线omengatsafe的答案 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/comments/76408/view.html 你好@schlofferc,很高兴听到你已经解决了表格挑战!做得好!
I figure out two changes that could make the result close to your desired outcome:
1。放置在PDFPageFormatter中的page对象有一个名为“维护纵横比”的设置。我建议你把它改成Yes。这将确保在PDF中放置几何图形时不会出现失真。< br > < p > < img src = " /存储/ temp / 20539 - 2018 - 08 - 14 - 1213. - png”> < / p > 2。扇出结果不占用您在PDFPageFormater中绘制的数据帧的扩展,因为PDFPageFormatter使用整个数据集来确定所有特性的位置,而扇出只是选择要写入哪个文件的特性。
为了解决这个问题,我们需要以某种方式通过属性GSTID-对特性进行分组,这样每个分组将用于填充数据帧,而不是整个数据集。因为PDFPageFormatter没有Group by参数,所以可以通过创建一个自定义转换器来添加一个Group by参数。通过设置并行处理的高级参数来添加组参数,通过参数来添加组参数。

Below I attached the modified workspace for your reference.
格林尼治时间2018年8月14日星期二20:07:49 xiaomengat亚搏在线safe
通过schlofferc回答 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/76235/view.html < p >嗨< a href = " https://knowle亚搏在线dge.safe.com/questions/74002/attribute-data-to-pdf.html?childToView=74414 " > @XiaomengAtSafe < / > !点击I solved the problem with the mixed up tables by changing some transfomer settings and using a nonproportional font like Courier. But I still have a problem with the scale of the overview map in my pdf output. All works fine if I write one map after another by using a tester to the pdf but if I used the fan-out function the size and scale of the map is changing every run. Do you have any idea where I made the mistake or where I can change some setting?

For more details I added the part of my workbench where I defined the overview map with the necessary source and output.

thx and ciao

格林尼治时间2018年8月13日星期一08:16:32 schlofferc
评论由xiaomengatsafe上xia亚搏在线omengatsafe的答案 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/comments/74414/view.html @schlofferc ,感谢您的更新。你可以共享输出PDF和用于创建的工作区的截图?这可能是很难对我们在这里的社区没有一点更详细的亚搏国际在线官网诊断。结果有一件事我已经从我与TableAdder最小的经验教训,是一些试验和错误调整参数总是有益的。点击 格林尼治时间2018年7月13日星期五19:43:43 xiaomengat亚搏在线safe 通过schlofferc回答 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/74354/view.html

感谢您的帮助。我用你discribed变压器和“TableAdder”在comibination与“PDFStyler”。一切工作正常,只要我使用的是“测试”,以我的输入减少到一个单一的功能,但如果我想使用整个数据(禁用过滤器)混合了我的PDF的格式 - 每个表移到片材。你有哪些设置就可以解决这个问题的任何想法?也许正确使用“PDFPageFormatter”的例子可以帮助我。 周五,2018年7月13日10时五十零分59秒GMT schlofferc 答案由xiaomengatsafe亚搏在线 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/74095/view.html

@schlofferc 。添加表PDF的确不是一件容易的事。还有你可能要探讨几种方法。与所有的下面的想法,你可以预先排序的功能,使用分选机的变压器,以控制生成的表/列表的顺序:

  1. 如GIO提到的,TableAdder是变压器你可以试试。尽管可以挑战制作一个好看的表,如果你有很多的列。您可以通过简单地在工作台的主窗口开始打字TableAdder访问它(我们称之为工作台画布)。有可用的这里一些使用说明。
  2. 另外,也可以在一个特征的属性来创建多行文本,使用方法由隆建议此处。然后,你可以使用PDFPageFormatter插入这个功能到页面布局。 Inspiration of this idea came from this Community question.
  3. There are also two other custom transformers that sound promissing: HTML2PDFConverter, and ExcelToPDFWriter (can be added the same way as TableAdder). Both of these transformers require you to first produce the table with the desired look, in either HTML or Excel, which can be done using FME's FeatureWriter, and read back by FeatureReader. And they help embed some 3rd party technologies into FME to convert the table into PDF. Full discloser, I haven't had a chance to play with them personally. If you are feeling adventurous, I'd encourage you to give them a try.

We've had some other users raising the suggestion of improving table writing in PDF. It would be much appreciated if you can add your vote to this Idea, to express your interest in this enhancement.

格林尼治时间2018年7月10日星期二19:09:31 xiaomengat亚搏在线safe
答案由gio https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/74030/view.html


You can create insertion points spaced equal tot the amount of the attribute(s) and records.

Statistics calculator, counter, bounding box creator, attribute exploder and list operations are very useful for building the table.

格林尼治时间2018年7月9日星期一16:29 56 GIO