Answers for "FME Server - Push subscription dynamic target URL" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "FME Server - Push subscription dynamic target URL" Answer by richardsr https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Thank you!

This was a helpful suggestion and it worked,however I did have to resort to using the python caller with a custom python script to build the http request.Really appreciate your insight into the Workspace caller.It is a little extra work but the hooks are their to accomplish the messaging which is exactly what we needed.

Tue,31 Jul 2018 21:43:27 GMT richardsr
Answer by jlutherthomas https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I'm not sure that the PUSH subscriber will do exactly what you're after.

What it might be worth doing instead,is building a workspace and using the Workspace Subscriber,rather than push.

The workspace will have a Reader (I think JSON - you may have to confirm this) and a HTTPCaller that will make the requests for you.
What you can do then,is set the Source Dataset to the FME_TOPIC_MESSAGE parameter,which is Location of the FME Server Notification Service message.This parameter is set only in workspaces that are run from an FME workspace subscriber.For more information,seeFME Workspace Subscriberin the FME Server documentation.

Once you've read in that JSON file,you should be able to have activity,attachment,email received (based on your example topic message content) and then use those attributes to dynamically build your HTTP request in the HTTPCaller.

This might also be useful: http://docs.亚搏在线

Wed,04 Jul 2018 18:34:56 GMT jlutherthomas