Answers for "Cut a hole in a Tin Surface" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "Cut a hole in a Tin Surface" Answer by owen

Hello.I have a similar approach you could try using the AreaOnAreaOverlayer with draped features and surface triangles which works quite nicely

Wed, 20 Jun 2018 12:45:27 GMT owen
Answer by mortonprice

Hi Dave thank you for you response, much appreciated.Being very new to FME i have created the work space to what i believe is as per your instruction.Does it look correct to you?i'm getting very unusual mesh creation in the inspector, and took almost 3 hours to create.

I have attached below a very basic image of what i am trying to achieve with FME.

Hopefully i'm very close



Wed, 20 Jun 2018 10:54:32 GMT mortonprice
Answer by daveatsafe


It would be nice if FME could clip surfaces - this is something we are currently working on.

However, in the meantime, I do have a workaround for you, although it is a little complex:

- Use a SurfaceDraper to drape your cutting boundaries on the point cloud, setting Drape Method to MODEL

- Use a TINGenerator to create Triangles from the point cloud, with the draped boundaries used for Breaklines.This will ensure that the triangle boundaries follow the boundary lines

- Send the Triangles to a GeometryExtractor to store the geometry in an attribute

- Use a CenterPointReplacer to replace the triangles with points

- Clip the points by the boundary lines with a Clipper

- Restore the kept points triangle geometry with a GeometryReplacer

- Send the triangles to an Aggregator to build a multisurface

- Use a Triangulator to replace the multisurface with a more efficient mesh.

Tue, 19 Jun 2018 16:33:43 GMT daveatsafe