Answers for "How to execute three FeatureWriter in sequence with the same input feature?" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "How to execute three FeatureWriter in sequence with the same input feature?" Answer by daleatsafe

Note that in FME 2018 you could use the new output port options on the FeatureWriter and just route the feature from one FeatureWriter to the next, if it is the same feature going to each one.

Another angle is to just presort your data so that it is in the order you want inserted, and use a single FeatureWriter with 3 tables defined on it.

Transaction handling *might* prevent the situation you're afraid of in that case.But that said, it would be wonderful to be able to have control of commits at the workspace level.This is on our long term list.

Short term what I've seen done is a post process in a workspace where we read things all back, and if it isn't in the database, then we delete things.

Tune into the Database talk during the FME Summer School webinars in July (not yet able to be registered for - eventually for an example of the above.

Tue, 15 May 2018 19:02:14 GMT daleatsafe
Answer by david_r

You can e.g.use cascading FeatureMergers:

This will prevent the STOPS features from being written before the ROUTE features have completed, etc.

Mon, 14 May 2018 15:49:01 GMT david_r