Questions in topic: "concatenate field" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "concatenate field" How can I pivot a table,concatenate strings and sort (see screenshot) https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi all,

I think I have a quite simple question here.But i'm stuck in my thoughts.

I have a dataset (see left table in picture below) and I want to have an overview of which numbers are in a certain cluster.Does anyone have some hints for me?

Thanks in advance!

table pivot sorting concatenate field Fri,10 May 2019 13:48:36 GMT cyrusa
Concatenator code https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have been given the following python code but get errors every time i try to run it,anyone know what is wrong...

import fmeobjects

def FeatureProcessor(feature): to_concatenate = ("buildingNumber","throughfare","dependantthroughfare")

# Modify as needed

join_string = ","

# Modify as needed

result = join_string.join([feature.getAttribute(attr) \

for attr in to_concatenate if feature.getAttribute(attr)])


pythoncaller concatenate field Thu,08 Nov 2018 20:22:38 GMT ingalla
need to concatenate multiple fields for state and county https://knowledge.亚搏在线

2018-5-7-usfs-nagpra-states-counties.xlsxI have a table with many state and county values listed in separate rows.I want to flatten the attributes so that each CessionID has states and counties listed in separate fields.For example,State1 would contain the first state,County1 would contain the list of counties within the State1,then State2 would be the second state,County2 the list of counties in State2 separated by semicolons,and so on.看到示例附带的电子表格。

concatenate field combine multiple fields Tue,08 May 2018 20:46:09 GMT nrobbins