Questions in topic: "plugin" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "plugin" FME Plugin for Revit - 2019 https://knowledge.亚搏在线

We just upgraded our AutoDesk 亚搏在线娱乐平台products to 2019.Is there an FME plugin for Revit 2019...or will the 2018 plugin work with Revit 2019?

bim autodesk revit plugin Thu,2018年6月28日15:55:34格林尼治时间 mike_robertson
The code in the .fmx file https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I am writing my first FME transformer using Java Plugin SDK.I am following the CenterOfMassCalculator sample.I have a problem understanding the .fmx file structure though.When I run my transformation in FME Desktop it fails.Specifically,it complains about the arguments of '@JavaCenter' which I copied and pasted from the CenterOfMassCalculator.fmx sample,as I didn't know the purpose of the following code:


Can anyone suggest some reference on this?The FMEPluginSDK_Java.pdf does not cover this well.

fmx plugin transformer failure Mon,07 May 2018 22:32:11 GMT guteksan