主题“bi”中的问题 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/topics/single/68397.html “bi”主题的最新问题 使用Qlik数据交换(QVX)写入程序 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/articles/68366/using-the-qlik-data-exchange-qvx-writer.html


Qlik是一种商业智能工具,它集成数据并创建可视化以帮助数据分析。在FME 2018.0中,引入了一种新的Qlik写入程序,可以写入Qlik数据交换(QVX)文件。QVX格式基于XML,并针对导入和导出数据进行了优化,以便在Qlik中使用。该文件包含关于单个表以及实际数据的元数据。本教程将演示如何准备数据以供使用QVX writer




QlikWriter Begin.fmwt

QlikWriter Complete.fmwt



注意:本教程不介绍如何创建Qlik仪表板。请参阅QlikViewQlik Sense Cloud由Qlik提供的教程,如果您想了解如何使用。


在FME Desktop 2018.0+中打开QlikWriter.fmwt模板工作区。此工作区读取一个CSV文件,其中包含5912条记录中缺少邻居名称的商业许可证数据。APointOnAreaOverlayertransformer将业务许可证覆盖在邻里边界形状文件上以获取邻里名称。然后aSubstringExtractortransformer从属性LocalArea获取剩余的邻域名称。最后,一个AttributeValueMapper将属性业务类型重新映射到更广泛的主题中,这将有助于清理Qlik中的分析。




QVX编写器只能接受fme format

  • %Y%m%d(fme date)->;20180417
  • %H%M%S(FME时间)->;091910.9617319
  • %Y%m%d%H%m%S(FME日期时间)->;20180417091910.9617319。。。或带有偏移量的FME DateTime





数据已准备就绪,我们可以写入QVX格式。添加一个Qlik数据交换写入程序,选择要素类型定义为自动。对于功能类型名称,输入BusinessLicenses,然后将其连接到Output and <Rejected> ports of the DateTimeConverter. The reason we are connecting it to both ports is that there are some <null> or empty values for IssueDate and ExpiredDate that weren’t converted so they were sent to the <Rejected> port. We still want those records though so make sure both output ports are connected QVX Writer.

In the writer feature type parameters, switch to the User Attributes tab and change the Attribute Definition to Manual. Please set IssueDate and ExpiredDate to the type date. If you have both date and time in an attribute, you would use the datetime type.

Now make sure that both Latitude and Longitude are set to the type real_64, this is the only date type that Qlik will accept for coordinate values.

Finally, change NumberOfEmployees and FeePaid to integer_32. By doing so, Qlik will treat these values as numerical and can be put into equations.

QVX Writer User Attributes parameters, ensure the Type is set correctly

4. Run the workspace and add the data to Qlik.

Run the workspace and then add the output BusinessLicenses.qvx file to either Qlik Sense Cloud or QlikView to create your dashboard.

Output table in Qlik Sense Cloud

A possible final dashboard that you can create using Qlik Sense Cloud or QlikView, this one is made using Qlik Sense Cloud

Data Attribution

The data used here originates from open data made available by the City of Vancouver, British Columbia. It contains information licensed under the Open Government License - Vancouver.

作家 表格的 商业智能 qlik qvx 2018年4月17日星期二18:18:54 GMT 利兹·桑德森