Answers for "How to make an ArcGIS model in FME ?" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "How to make an ArcGIS model in FME ?" Answer by david_r

The Bufferer works in ground units, meaning that if your Higways dataset has a coordinate system specified in meters (e.g.UTM), then the Bufferer will use meters as the buffer size.In that case you could use a buffer size of 1000 meters = 1 km.

You could also use the GeographicBufferer which lets you specify the units, e.g.kilometers.To try and improve the speed of the Clipper, consider inserting a Dissolver between the Bufferer and the Clipper.

Thu, 07 Dec 2017 11:26:46 GMT david_r
Answer by david_r

The logic should be very similar in FME, you can use the following transformers:

  • Bufferer
  • Dissolver
  • Clipper (=Erase in ArcGIS)
Mon, 04 Dec 2017 14:15:54 GMT david_r