主题:“文件”中的问题 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/topics/single/55023.html网站 主题“文件”的最新问题 FeatureWriter output port: option to create file checksum attribute https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/idea/87625/featurewriter-output-port-option-to-create-file-ch.html

I'm generating files with my FME workspace for ingestion into another data management platform.In order to get the data ingested I need to also create a file containing a checksum (MD5 currently) for the data platform to check file integrity.

As I'm already using the FeatureWriter to create files before pushing them to the platform I would like to see the option of being able to create a checksum for the written file and adding it as an output summary attribute,then I can easily use the same workspace to perform the complete upload process.

特写作家 file md5 Wed,2019年2月27日08:00:39格林尼治标准时间 tomf
Add a writer for Documentum/OpenText https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/idea/86375/add-a-writer-for-documentumopentext.html

Similar to SharePoint,请求使用FME将文件写入Document。https://documentum.opentext.com/documentum-platform/

file Mon,04 Feb 2019 20:03:01 GMT fmelizard
文件是空的 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/85709/file-is-empty.html

im trying to know if a feature is empty or not,iv tried a counter box butit does'nt do the job (but the counter receive no input).

file 星期二,22 Jan 2019 15:09:45 GMT tahabelhouari
Add file type filtering on directory watch in FME Server https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/idea/81501/add-file-type-filtering-on-directory-watch-in-fme.html

当我上传一个带有侧车文件的文件时,this triggers the directory watch to start a workspace for each file which I don't want and uses up my engines.
It'd be great to have the option to add file type filters so that the workspace is only started if I upload a *.shp for example.

fmeserver notification service directory watch file 星期二,30 Oct 2018 20:56:06 GMT fmelizard
Shape File to CAD file with Annotation size problem https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/74427/shape-file-to-cad-file-with-annotation-size-proble.html

Hello everyone,

I am trying convert Shape file to cad file with annotation.I use LapelPointReplacer transformator.I received the annotation with this transformator.But I want it to stand annotation next to point as you get closer to the point.When I get the closing point,the annotaion should be positioned relative to the position.Maybe the problem occurred by labelPointReplacer has constant labelheigth,所以当我关闭注释时,注释的大小永远不会变小。请帮帮我,我做错什么了?

This picture is i got:

I want like this picture:

attribute handling annotation files file problem Mon,2018年7月16日14:20:14格林尼治标准时间 nurcanyilmaz94
为FME云创建自定义数据下载zip名称 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/73985/create-custom-data-download-zip-name-for-fme-cloud.html

I would like to change the name of my data download zip (FME_xxxxxxx.zip) to something else.Is it possible to change this on the FME cloud instance?

So how or where can i edit the file layout configuration file that can manage [AUTO_FILE_PREFIX \?

If searched for it but could only find solution that needed the terminal on a FME Server that was not FME Cloud.

Location: \Server\
Purpose: Configure the FME Engines,包括子章节,前命令和后命令,and success and failure responses.For details,请参见配置文件布局。



zip 习俗 file zipping Mon,09 Jul 2018 08:27:18 GMT jdh009
Copy entire folder from A to B destination https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/62005/copy-entire-folder-from-a-to-b-destination.html

我使用读卡器(目录和路径文件名)和编写器(文件副本)将所有文件从文件夹A移动到文件夹B,我们是否可以将a到b中的子文件夹也移动并保留,instead of creating a reader for each subfolder

is it possible to write it a zip file

all this is used to backup data


folder file Thu,18 Jan 2018 16:18:18 GMT 鲍彻
Publishing old FME FMI files on FME Server https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/59757/publishing-old-fme-fmi-files-on-fme-server.html


是否可以将在.fm中开发的旧脚本发布到fme服务器,.FMI Files ?


FME file fmi 星期二,2017年12月12日10:10:29格林尼治标准时间 arxit
Split and convert shapefile into several kml files https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/55350/split-and-convert-shapefile-into-multy-kml-files.html

I am actually trying to split a big shapefile into several kml files according to an attribute variable.I would like one kml file per value of that variable,它可以生成大约600公里的文件。Is it possible to do that with FME?

file split attribute split Wed,2017年10月11日14:57:10格林尼治标准时间 aguy
在DNG MSLinks FME转换文件和形状 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/55009/mslinks-in-dng-file-and-fme-conversion-to-shape.html

I asked this question on this tutorial page:



我只是想知道…Say,I have a DGN file,which was created with one of Bentley's software packages.And I wanted to transhorm that DGN file to a shapefile just like in the tutorial linked above,但也链接到该shapefile的属性表与Bentley软件中与之相关。我注意到通过mslinks和framme的“链接提取”,in the reader parameter.What would happen if I joined an attribute table with a MSLink column to my shapefile geometry (a table origially linked to the DGN file in the software package),when I check MSLinks linkage extraction?Would FME automatically detect which MSlink in the attribute table relates to which feature in the shapefile?


如果在链接提取中检查mslinks,it does seem to take a MSlink value,I'm not sure if it's the correct one.I tried with a small workbench,but how do I now proceed?What comes after a attrbuteexposer transformer if I want to create a shapefile..我在上面链接的教程中添加了步骤,but the shapefile doesn't contain the MSLink attributes.读卡器是一个dng层。

shapefile attribute join file FRI,2017年10月6日19:19:25格林尼治标准时间 fmenco