Answers for "AttributePivoter output error" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "AttributePivoter output error" Answer by TiaAtSafe

Hi@johannhurter, are you able to place an AttributeExposer after the AttributePivoter to expose the Grand Total Sum attribute?

Tue, 26 Sep 2017 16:42:24 GMT TiaAtSafe
Answer by cartoscro

The 'Row Group Summary Line Descriptor' is part of thevalueof the field, not the name of the field itself.So in your case, coming out of yourSummaryoutput, would be one feature with an Attribute field ofid, with a value ofid Def_points_Sum.The way you have your connections now, you have a separate feature for each of the unique 'id's' in your data.To get the result you are looking for, I believe you would need to make the connection to the Summary port of the AttributePivoter, and use the value from the 'Def_points' field in your InlineQuerier.

Have you used Inspectors before?Right-click on the output port of the AttributePivoter, and click Connect Inspector.This will allow you to visualize what is coming out of each port, and subsequently into the InlineQuerier

Tue, 26 Sep 2017 15:48:17 GMT cartoscro