Questions in topic: "sum" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "sum" sum of features https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hello!I need to get a sum of some features.Please have a look at the picture,it is maybe easier to understand what I need.unbenannt.png

I need to get a sum of these houses therea are in the different parts of city.The problem is that the name and amount of streets are allways different.I do not know how to automate it..Any ideas?

sum Fri,26 Oct 2018 06:04:57 GMT tereziastredna
AttributeManager add a constant to a decimal value https://knowledge.亚搏在线


This should be simple but I'm just not finding the answer.

Using an AttributeManager I want to add a value "0.09" to all the existing values in a column of data from a Mapinfo table during translation amongst other things.

The Column is "Average" and is a defined Decimal type field.

The syntax I'm using is clearly wrong.

@ value(平均)+ 0.09

returns -9999.00 for all values.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance


attributemanager sum Thu,23 Aug 2018 00:21:56 GMT andyew
Sumifs/Averageifs in FME https://knowledge.亚搏在线


Is there a way of being able to replicate excel's sumifs/Averageifs functions in FME?

I have two tables,the first table has unique ID's and the second table contains data which I need to aggregate.Is there a transformer where I can use the unique values in table 1 to match against the data in table 2 to perform a Sumifs?

Thanks in advance.

总结 sum Fri,03 Aug 2018 14:43:05 GMT em2786
Problem with the result of a sum https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I have a problem with the calcul of a sum (expression evaluator,statistic calculator..).

The result is not correct.I make this calcul : 10000+10000+1+100+0.1+0.01 and the result is 20101.109999999997 .

I have this problem in fme 2018 and 2017 but in 2015 the result is correct .

Have you got any idea to solve my problem?Thanks a lot.

statisticscalculator expressionevaluator sum Thu,19 Jul 2018 14:33:40 GMT elisejourdan85