Questions in topic: "multiple attributes" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "multiple attributes" Extracting data from multiple layers using boundaries https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have multiple layers of client regional data from which I would like to extract data for a specified study area which will be defined using a polygon in mapinfo tab format.I have tried to use an AreaOnAreaOverlayer to capture the data within the boundary however I am struggling to make this work.Any suggestions?

polygon mapinfo tab boundary multiple attributes multiple datasets Fri,31 Aug 2018 14:06:26 GMT aaron_oakes13
One attribute to multiple using regEx https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I am having difficulty finding something similar to this in the Knowledge Center so I thought I would ask.

I have an attribute whose value looks like this (it is a full line from a badly formatted text file).

Ticket No: 4653 Nearest Intersection: Chinton Street Seq No: 34

I need them split to an attribute list and subsequent value list


Attribute_1 = Ticket No

Value_1 = 4653

Attribute_2: Nearest Intersection

Value_2: Chinton街

Attribute_3: Seq No

Value_3: 34

It doesn't have to be a "list" as long as I can separate those part of the texts.I am guessing there should be a RegEx way of doing this.

The attribute names "Ticket No","Nearest Intersection" and "Seq No" will always remain the same with their values changing.I am trying to build a script to always separate them.

Any suggestions?Thank you!


For the first one,if there was a way to extract between 'Ticket No:' and 'Nearest' that would be fine.I can work with the formatting of the value afterwards.

I have 19 lines with the same formatting problems.With 2-3 attributes per line.I am trying to avoid too many transformers per line.If I could possibly use an attribute creator where I create the new attribute and the value would be a the substring between two known attributes on both sides,that would be great.

regex split multiple attributes Mon,16 Oct 2017 17:31:50 GMT fariyafarhad
Mapping multiple features with a single one,in INSPIRE compliant GML https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I am in the process of tranforming an access file to a GML file.In the FME workspace i use a database joiner transformer,so as to join two tables in the MS Access.These two tables have a One-to-many relationship and i select the option to create a new feature for each much.

The target attribute in the GML writer has the following format: groupedInstallation{}.xlink_href.When i try to much the produced attribute (after the join) with this one,the matching is not possible.

When i define the target attribute as follows: groupedInstallation{0}.xlink_href (with a 0 between the brackets) the matching in the GML is achieved only for one record of the attribute of the reader.

Could you please let me know how i can match all the records of the attribute to the GML writer ?

Thank you in advance,

With best regards,



gml access multiple attributes matching Wed,2017年9月13日11:55:23格林尼治时间 valantistsiakos