Answers for "Combine shapes from different windows submaps to one DWG" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "Combine shapes from different windows submaps to one DWG" Answer by lars_de_vries


from your question I cannot define what your real problem is.If you have multiple Shapefiles in different Windows submaps, you can select them using the Select Multiple Folders/Files option at the parameter.

Figure 1.Select Multiple Folders/Files option

In don't know how you designed the workspace you are calling in the WorkspaceRunner, but with DWG-files there is no option to Insert features into an existing DWG, so having another shapefile will probably overwrite your DWG.

If this is not the solution you are looking for, I would like to request you to eleborate a bit more on the nature of the issues you are running into.

Wed, 19 Jul 2017 10:05:34 GMT lars_de_vries