Questions in topic: "cell values" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "cell values" Why do cell values go blank in table view when I sort them? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hello All,

When I sort the table view of an inspector in FME Inspector the values go blank and the cell value returns an error.I don't mean "Null" or " " values,i mean they're completely blank and it suddenly removes values from every cell in the table.

Relative to the image below,Inspector "Combined" is the problematic table.It is the output of combining a geodatabase point feature class with output from a 亚搏在线workflow.Inspectors "A" and "B" display and sort fine,it's only when I sort the combined one that I have issues.

Any help is appreciated!

geodatabase inspector table cell values Mon,10 Dec 2018 18:05:27 GMT succip
​Clipping or overlaying a vector on a raster using row and column attributes https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I would like to either overlay a point,polygon or perform a clip of a raster by using it's cell attributes.I've calculated where to perform this on on the raster (eg,Row 4205,Column 1204).

raster cell values Fri,28 Sep 2018 10:39:19 GMT kyle_d_wade
Calculate percentage coverage from raster cell values https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Good day FME'ers

I am trying to calculate the percentage green/grey from an single band NDVI raster image,i.e.the percentage of the raster that have cell values >= and < -0.1.

Can anybody help?


David McDermott

raster statistics calculation cell values Thu,05 Apr 2018 11:05:59 GMT djmcdermott
How do I convert csv file into dgn file to display coordinated reference marks in microstation? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I am creating a workbench to convert an excell spreadsheet using csv file into dgn to display coordinated refererence marks in microstation.This displays in Inspector ,however when the dgn file is used in microstation,points or cells does not display in microstation.Any way of showing a point or cell point in microstation using particular transformer(s) so this information displays in microstation?Further,is there a utility workbench that can assist me with this issue?

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can give me.

microstation dgn csv points dgn v8 cell values Tue,12 Dec 2017 16:20:48 GMT ilijajames01
How to associate the value of each cell in a raster mosaic with its proper reader? https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I am merging multiple rasters into a single mosaic utilizing the RasterMosaicker.My objective is to find the maximum value across all rasters for each cell and then assign the matching reader for that highest-value cell.I'm having no problem obtaining the max value,however,I'm running into issues when trying to associate that cell with it's proper reader.

I've tried exposing the fme_basename and creating an attribute,but when the mosaic is created,each cell is given the attribute of the first raster (rather than the raster that the highest value is coming from)

Any help would be much appreciated.


raster fme rastermosaicker cell values Thu,26 Oct 2017 17:38:34 GMT jayec
XLS writer: set specific cell value https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I'm creating a transformer and getting an XLS output starting to write on row 2.I've successfully set a template for the header and format,however I need to write specific data such as date or file description in the top row.
How can I write theDocument titleon cell A1,Authoron cell B1,DDMMYYon cell C1?

excel cell values Tue,08 Aug 2017 19:04:03 GMT heboma
Points to Raster cell value assignment https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I'm trying to create a rasterbased on high density point features (bathymetry data) from ArcSDE.The thingis that I want to control which features enters theNumericRasterrizer/RasterDEMGenerator (or some other suitable transformer) and gets assigned a cellvalue.The problem is that the point data is much denser than what I want theresolution of the raster to be.In this case I want FME to pick the pointfeature with the minimum z-value of all the in-going point features and assignit to the cell and ignore the others.Much like you have in ArcMap where you can can choose the "Cell assignment type" in the "Point to Raster" tool.

Is there a way in FME to solve this?


raster cell values point to raster Wed,12 Jul 2017 14:11:42 GMT poseiron