Comments and answers for "GML extract geometry CircleByCenterPoint instead of posList" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest comments and answers for the question "GML extract geometry CircleByCenterPoint instead of posList" Comment by mark2atsafe on mark2atsafe's comment Yes, anything with a filled area becomes stroked in the GML.Not sure why a pure circle feature wouldn't become one in the output, but I guess that's a design decision.
Wed, 05 Jul 2017 14:28:53 GMT mark2atsafe
Comment by sander on sander's comment Exactly, I also noticed that (but by trying, not reading ;)).I was converting a closed circular arc (not an area/polygon as these are always stroked, right?), which I made with a Creator.

Wed, 05 Jul 2017 10:20:49 GMT sander
Comment by mark2atsafe on mark2atsafe's answer Ah, the manual says circular arc = yes, but elliptical arc = no, so that might be why

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 18:46:16 GMT mark2atsafe
Answer by mark2atsafe

I'm not sure I understand what the GML labelled "AttributeCreator" is meant to be in your screenshot.If it's the source data, why extract to GML when it's already GML?

Anyway, like you - but differently to@sander_s- when I extract a circle feature to GML then I get a LinearRing.It seems to be that a circle or ellipse that is an area will not be written to GML as a circle feature.It needs to be a closed, circular arc.

For example, if I use the Creator and create an ellipse (x,y,radius = 5,5,5) then I get a LinearRing.When I create an arc (x,y,radius,sweep angle = 5,5,5,360) then I get a CircleByCentrePoint

The simple solution is to take your circles/ellipses and use a GeometryCoercer to coerce them to a line.It actually coerces them to a circular arc which then is written in GML correctly.

I will also query our GML developers about this, since the Readers and Writers manual says we don't support circles/ellipses when we clearly do (in a fashion).

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 18:37:55 GMT mark2atsafe
Answer by david_r

Just a tip for the future: when having problems like these it would be very helpful if you could post a GML sample dataset in addition to the screenshots.In case the screenshot isn't obvious by itself, it's really helpful for those trying to help debug the issue without having to type the GML manually :-)

Tue, 04 Jul 2017 07:25:20 GMT david_r
Answer by sander

Out of curiosity: what does your "GeometryReplacerCerde" do?:)

The problem in your case is that FME is not extracting a circle, but an ellipse.In your screenshot, there is a primary and a secondary radius.I've tested extracting a circle (so where the secondary radius is not defined/equal to the primary one) and FME 2017 gives me this:

10 60 2

So that seems to work.However, if I feed it an ellipse, it gets stroked by FME into a line and you end up with the posList like you did.I'm not sure, but I don't think GML supports storing elliptical geometry..?

Depending on what the spatial reference of your output GML needs to be and what your input is, you could try to create a true circle (reprojection probably turned it into an ellipse).Thisquestionmight provide some insight there.

Mon, 03 Jul 2017 18:02:51 GMT sander